Chapter 46

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"So what do you want to do?" Oli asks once we have both laid down on the bed. "I dunno." I reply. There really isn't much to do here except watch tv downstairs, and relax out in the backyard. "Are you tired? Hungry?" Now that he mentions it I am tired. Why? I slept through eleven hours of the flight, I shouldn't be tired. "Now that you mention it, why am I so tired?" He chuckles before answering, "That's jetlag. We crossed through four different time zones, and that messes up your body's natural clock, even if you sleep through it." "Well jet lag sounds grand." I ooze sarcasm from every word. He lays on his back and pulls me to where I'm curled into his side with his arm wrapped around me. I put my arm across his chest, and he kisses my forehead. "A small nap it is then." he declares as he pulls me closer before we fall asleep.

Two hours later I wake up to the sound of Oli's soft humming and his hands tracing circles on my back. I smile. "Good afternoon, would you like to head downstairs for lunch now?" he asks. I nod and we head downstairs where I can hear my sisters laughter. "What are you two doing!?" Oli asks next to me with a hint of humor in his voice. Just then Ava opens the link for me to see what is happening, and I would have been fine without knowing. There is flour all over the kitchen, Liam, and my sister. "Well we were making lunch," Liam begins, and I open my side of the link for Ava, "When someone decided to play with the flour instead of using it to cook." I watch my sisters face light up with a smile, "Yea, that would be you." She said pointing at Liam. Liam put his hands up, "You can't prove that." "Well whoever it was also delayed lunch, what were you even trying to cook anyway?" Oli asks leading me to the stool next to the island at the center of flourgeddon.  "Pizza" Ava says. "You two should go clean up, Oli and I can handle making sandwiches for lunch and you can pizza another go tonight" I say, mostly directed at my sister. "Fine" she says before I hear her pulling Liam away with her. "I love that Ava brings out that side of him. You two have never seen it, but Liam is not normally this cheery and fun. That's supposed to be my stick" Oli says opening the fridge. I busy myself with opening the loaf of bread he put in front of me and pulling out enough slices for four sandwiches. "Oh," I say becoming a bit distracted. "What's the matter Charlie?" Oli says putting down whatever jar he had in his hands and coming over to me. "It's just, you said my sister changed him, and it seems for the better. I just worry that I might change you too." I hear him let out one tiny huff before he says, "Charlie, you've already changed me. For the better. Yea I was the fun, ha-ha type. But you don't realize that I was also a bit of a player because of it. I never fully slept with anyone, that was reserved specifically for my mate, but I gave some favors, and got way more than I should have in return. I will never be that person again, because now I have you. Also being the funny guy means while I didn't shirk my responsibilities as Beta, I also didn't take it seriously, I mean I'm only eighteen. But once we meant you and Ava, and I learned about your set backs, I took everything about my job serious because I wanted to make becoming a part of our pack, and our families as easy as possible for you and Ava. So yes Charlie, you have changed me, but it was for the better. Never forget that." Once he finished with his monologue I felt his hand cup my face, followed by his lips on mine. And just like every kiss we have ever shared this one is soft and slow. When he pulls away I have a smile on my face. We finish preparing lunch and everyone chows down.

"Are you ready to see the amazing swim suit I got you?" Ava asked me. We finished lunch about twenty minutes ago and Liam and Oli suggested going out back in the water. {Sure} I sign to her, and she opens that part of our link to show me the beautiful blue bikini she bought for me. "Perfect amount of modest for you, but just enough sexy for Oli to drool" she mentions with laughter. I roll my eyes at my sister as she helps me put it on. {What does your 'Liam is going to kill you' suit look like} I ask my sister. And boy was I not expecting what I saw next in my head. {Oh my God Ava! What the hell?} "You don't like it?" {Ava, that is not a bikini, that is sexy lingerie. Do you really want Oli to see you in that? Do you think Liam wants Oli to see you in that?} "Well I guess it's a good thing I brought a spare if that problem arises doesn't it?" {Show me this spare.} She pulls out a light pink polka dot bikini that is way more acceptable. {Yea, wear that one} "I will wear both" I give up with my sister and go to head out of the spare room where she insisted that we get dressed to surprise the guys. "Stop!" {Why?} "I want you to see Oli's reaction, so wait for me to change and we will walk out together" {If you insist} When we walk out Ava and I have our links open for each other, and I'm glad she decided to do this because the dumbfounded look on Oli's face when he sees me in this bikini is priceless that I can't help but blush, and I never blush. "Charlie, you look stunning" Oli says, having eyes for only me even though my sister is practically naked in her lacey black and pink suit. I can also see that Liam is fighting for control of his wolf seeing my sister in her two piece, and I really want to say I told you so. "Let's head outside" Oli says taking my hand. "We'll join you shortly" Liam grunts out, and I lose my sight as he pulls my sister into their room and Oli gently leads me down the stairs.

 "We'll join you shortly" Liam grunts out, and I lose my sight as he pulls my sister into their room and Oli gently leads me down the stairs

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