Chapter 3

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Charlie's P.O.V.

{Ahhhhhh! My sister is screaming in agony. A pain I'm sure to feel any second, but it's not the pain I fear, its what might not happen after. Ahhhhhhh! The pain has begun to hit me as well. Ava and I lay on the ground, writing in agony, calling for help. Nobody comes, we are the pack outcasts after all. Nobody cares about this moment for us, in fact I'm sure there is a 1-1000 bet going on about what happens in the next few minutes. My bones begin to break, Ava's as well. This is it, will we....}

"Ahhhh!" I scream as I shoot up in bed, dragging Ava out of her sleep with me. I frantically start patting down my body, while also trying to slow my breathing. "What the hell Charlie? Are you alright?" Ava questions 'Had the nightmare again.' I mind link back.  "Oh for heaven's sake Charlie, again? Oh Moon Goddess I have a massive headache now."  'I'm sorry, but I can't control what happens in my dreams, and with our birthday fast approaching I fear that this reoccurring nightmare will be happening more and more until then.'  "Do I have to keep the link open while we sleep so we can have the same dreams like we used to when we were little? At least that way if you have this annoying nightmare again I won't be pulled from my dream on being backstage at a rock concert. Honestly I was just about to take shots with the band before you so rudely woke me up." I roll my eyes at my sister through the link, 'So sorry to inconvenience you madam.' "Well you should be." As she sticks her tongue out at me through our link.

Since there was absolutely no hope in either of us going back to bed after that we decided to get up and start our day. At 5:30 in the morning, UGH. By the time we get downstairs, Miss Franny is sitting in her usual spot drinking her cup of coffee before the breakfast rush begins. Miss Franny signs, while speaking, "You girls are up early." (We love that Miss Franny does this for us because it caters to us as individuals instead of us relying on the other through the mind link. The link is the only reason I know she signs for my sister, and I really appreciate it.) "Nightmare again." I respond. "Yea, which caused me to form a massive headache from being jolted upright." Ava adds.  "Well you're in luck, the breakfast staff finished up a little early so breakfast should be ready if you want to head to the buffet."  "Thank you Miss Franny" we reply in unison before heading that way.

"Ohhhhh Charlie both options are good today," Ava says, "Do you want French Toast or Strudel?" 'French Toast with...' "Strawberries I know. And bacon instead of sausage, because you are wrong!" 'Watch it missy' "Apples or Bananas today?" 'Bananas, with Nutella? And my coffee please.'  "Looks like they are out of Nutella today, and yes of course I will get you your coffee, I don't even want to think of what a day with you would be like if I forgot to make you your coffee correctly."  'I said watch it missy'  She finishes prepping our plates and we head to the table. When we sit down, Miss Franny gives us yet another reminder of our upcoming annoyance. "You girls have the day off of school today and tomorrow to go help some of the others and the party planners at the pack house."  "Why did we have to miss two days of school for this? The Luna isn't even going to want us there, she hates us just like everyone else remember? Can't we just go to school and then help after?" I beg.  "Wow Charlie, I didn't know you cared about school that much." Miss Franny retorts.  "I don't, but I would much rather sit through eight hours of school, than to spend two days at the pack house where I most certainly am not welcome."  "Well how about this Miss Franny," Ava says, beginning to bargain, "Why don't we head to the pack house, and when the Luna inevitably throws us out, we just go to school and then skip the pack house altogether tomorrow."  "Fine, but don't be surprised if she finds something for you to do. This is her only child we are talking about here."  And with that we finish our breakfast before heading over to the pack house to be ridiculed.

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