Chapter 55

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Ava's P.O.V.

The party looks amazing. There are banners of pumpkins and bats covering the entire clearing. The DJ booth has a fog machine, and awesome strobe lights. And as predicted, most, if not all of the pack came. The clearing is so full that I don't know if the cooks made enough food. I feel kind of bad having these people here celebrating my sister and I when we haven't even met them yet, but there will be time for that. Liam insists on pulling me to the dance floor. I may not be able to hear the music, but I can feel the beat blaring through the clearing, and based on how everyone else is dancing, its a fast song. Liam and I move together on the floor, while I get the occasional glare from some she-wolves who clearly wanted to be Liam's mate. I brush them off, and pull Liam closer. Then there is a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see Charlie. "Charlie!" I yell as I throw my arms around her. When I let her go, {we literally just saw each other} I laugh at her, and ask her to dance. {In a minute, I need to tell you something.} So Liam and Oli take us off the dance floor and over by the drink table. "What's up?" I ask, grabbing some punch. {I just talked to Zena} "Okay? What about?" {When we shift, and Zena is in control, I'll be able to see.} I immediately spit out my punch. "What!" She begins to tell me everything, while it looks like Oli is doing the same for Liam. {So when you shift, you'll be able to hear, through Raven's ears.} Oh my God! I'll be able to hear. I was so worried about that. Like what if Raven needed a run, and we couldn't hear a threat. I'm so relieved to hear this, but, 'Hey Raven? Is this true?' 'Of course it's true, being deaf and blind is a human thing. And I know normal dogs can be blind or deaf, but we are not normal. We are a blessing from the Moon Goddess, so we come with all our senses in tack.' I sigh. This night just got a whole lot easier.


Charlie's P.O.V.

The rest of the night went by so fast. Liam and Oli's families wished us happy birthday. Ava and I met some members of the pack, mostly the mated ones. For some reason a lot of the unmated wolves stayed away from us. Not that I mind, the less people I need to interact with the better. Before we knew it, it was ten til midnight. And Liam had taken the microphone. Did he? He did not just howl into the fucking microphone. Seriously? "Thank you all for coming to celebrate Ava and Charlie's birthday tonight. And thank you to all members who introduced themselves to their future Luna and Gamma," a hmph from my left must be one of the people that didn't bother to say hello, "and now, we will have a pack run for their first shift. This run is not necessary, but anyone is welcome to join." And with that Oli leads me into the trees. "Ready?" he asks me. "Not even close." I tell him in response. I feel him help me out of my costume, and then I just awkwardly stand there naked, until I feel a hand in mine. "Ready Charlie?" Ava's voice echoes through the dark. I shake my head no right as the alarm Oli set goes off, and the first bone in my ankle snaps. Ava lets go of my hand and I hit the ground as another round of bones break and my body shifts from human to wolf. I can feel Oli's worry rolling off him, but he doesn't touch me. In five minutes, the shift is over, and I am pushed to the back of my mind. Zena has full control, but the view from back here is amazing.

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