Chapter 6

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Charlie's P.O.V.

This has got be some sort of sick joke right? They have to be kidding. Why would the Moon Goddess torture them with pairing us as their mates. We may only have three months to live, they only get three months of pure happiness before their entire heart and world is shattered when we shift, if we can even complete the shift. How do we tell these two gorgeous men (thank you mind link), that we could probably die. I don't even know which one of these gorgeous men is supposed to be mine because I haven't received my wolf.  Is it the 6 foot tall serious looking Alpha who has the darkest black hair I have ever seen, muscles that not even the strongest warrior in our pack could compare too, and brown eyes. Or is it the slightly shorter goofball looking Beta, who I'm guessing is probably 5 foot 9 inches, has bleach blonde hair, and muscles that just barley don't reach the same amount of muscle as the Alpha. And those clear blue eyes that remind me of the lake Ava and I found once when we were kids. Do we just reject them now? That would be less painful then letting the mate bond grow, and them feeling worse when we don't make it through the shift. 'Why would we reject them Charlie? This HAS to be a good thing! The Moon Goddess wouldn't give us mates if we can't survive the shift.'  'Or, all the stories were wrong about the Moon Goddess and she is a sick twisted wolf. Why would she pair us with anyone? Regardless of if we shift and survive. Besides, what do we say to them? Hi, I'm Charlie, this is Ava, and we are probably going to die in three months.'  'Charlie! We might not die! How do you not see this as a good sign!' 'Because Ava! Unlike you my head isn't sunshine and rainbows, nothing bad can happen. Everything bad has happened to us! I live in reality. WE lost our parents! We are orphans! I am FUCKING BLIND! You're DEAF! How has anything in our life EVER been good!'

Before she can respond to me, the Alpha clears his throat, "Are you ladies okay?" I don't hold back, I can't let this go on, I can't let these men suffer because the Moon Goddess wants to play some sick game. 'CHARLIE DON'T!' Ava screams in my head, but she can't control what comes out of my mouth. "You must be mistaken, neither of us could be your mate. The Moon Goddess must be playing some sick twisted game giving us to you two as mates."  "Charlie stop!" Ava says, even though she has no idea what I just said because I purposely closed the mind link before I said it, but now since she wants to be a part of the conversation, fine, so be it. "Why Ava? They deserve to know that this is not okay! They deserve to know that we may not even survive our first shift!"

When those words leave my mouth I watch as the horror that was on Ava and I's faces moments ago, has now transferred to them. "Charlie, I agree that they should know everything they would be getting into with having us as mates, but that was not the right way to tell them." "How should we have done it then huh? Sit them down to a fancy dinner and tell them our entire boo-hoo sob story of a life? This news sucks, and there is no good way of telling them this." Ava turns to say something to the two men, but the Alpha and Luna have asked everyone to take their seats for the ceremony to begin. Ava, being the rule follower, "Alpha, you and your beta should take your seats..."  "So that you two lovely ladies can try to run off? Not a chance, I told you I didn't intend on finding my seat. We are staying right here with you two." says the Alpha

'Now, when this ceremony is over, YOU are going to apologize to them, and we are going to figure this out Charlie.'  'There is nothing to figure out Ava, we have to reject them.' 'You know dang well they have to accept our reject for it to work, and by the looks of it, that isn't going to happen, so don't be rude.' 'I'm closing the link now and listening to the ceremony' 'Seriously? I'm supposed to just sit hear bored because you won't let me hear the ceremony!' 'YUP.'

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