Chapter 17

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Liam's P.O.V.

She obeyed. She flinched even. If she was my mate, she would have been able to defy me even a little. That must mean that sweet, kind, Ava is my mate. I turn to her, "Ava, princess, look at me." I gently life her chin to look at me. Once I do, I see the tears in her eyes, and if Charlie wasn't obviously Oli's mate I would banish her for hurting Ava like this. Remembering that she can't hear me because she cut off her connection with Charlie I do my best with hand gestures to ask if she is okay. I point at her, then I do a thumbs up. She laughs at my attempt to communicate, and nods her head yes. "Sorry about that, just another argument." I try to ask if it was about the surgery, but how do you do that without signing? Fuck I need to learn ASL and fast. She busts out laughing as she tries to decipher what the hell I am talking about, and you know what, I'd rather have her laughing at me than crying so I'll take it. "Yea, I have no idea what you are trying to say." she says once she has gotten her laughter under control. I look at Charlie, I'm still angry with her, but I need to communicate to my probable mate. "I'm assuming you sign?" "Yes, but it won't do much good considering she can't see my hands" she responds as if it should have been obvious that it wouldn't work. "I opened the link back up, what do you need to ask me Liam?" Ava informs me with a huge smile on her face. "Was the argument about the surgery? Do you need a few days to think the decision over princess?" I say with a smile.  She looks at Charlie, Oli, and then back at me before saying, "I don't need a few days, but Charlie might." That earns her a look from her sister for throwing her under the bus, but ya know what? Fuck it.


Oli's P.O.V.

Charlie flinched. Oh my God! That must mean she is my mate. Seriously all we had to do was have Liam give them a command in his Alpha tone and we could have figured this out. Liam begins to try and comfort Ava, and while I would love to talk with my mate, she doesn't look to be in a talking mood, besides what I want to tell her is something that Liam would kill me for if he heard, so I just stand there and, oh God what is he doing? Is this man trying to create sign language? Aw shit, this pack has to learn ASL, and we need to figure out their school stuff. We'll need to get audio books, or books in Braille for Charlie to read. Wait did Charlie ever learn how to read Braille? How did they get through school? Were they even allowed to attend school? Ugh I have so many questions. Liam finally gets Ava to speak, and I watch Charlie the whole time, and let me tell you, she was not happy about her sister throwing her under the bus. But that just brings up more questions. Why is Ava so excited for this surgery but Charlie isn't? Why have these two been fighting so much? Has it always been like this? Oh Goddess help me with this feisty one please.


Charlie's P.O.V.

"This is the rec room" Oli says as we pass by a room that holds two pool tables, a foosball table, a air hockey table, two huge fifty inch screen T.V.'s, both set up for gaming purposes, and a row of classic arcade games and pinball machines. Don't forget the multitude of beanbags and chairs that are being occupied by their siblings.   Once things got arranged at the hospital, Oli, being Oli, decided he wanted to give us a tour of the pack house. They have the following; giant kitchen that helps feed the Alpha and Beta families, and when a huge storm hits, the entire pack. This kitchen has four of everything. Ovens, fridges, and microwaves. Don't forget the fully stocked, almost as big as my room back at the orphanage, pantry. Plus the endless counter space. Then you have the main dining hall, which we had breakfast in this morning, which is only used by the Alpha and Beta families. They have a separate dining hall for the other pack members in case of a storm. They have a fucking swimming pool! Indoors are you kidding me? This thing is huge! It's about the length of my high school football field, Goddess! And next to the indoor swimming pool is a very impressive gym. It honestly looks like a professional athletes wet dream of a work out room. Unfortunately I will never play sports, but maybe Ava can pick it up once she gets away from me like she so desperately wants. They have a library that would put any public library in the world to shame, I mean honestly, who will read all of these books? Are they available to anyone in the pack or just these two families? And finally, the bunker shelter, in case this pack ever has a rouge attack. "Haven't needed to use this bad boy since my grandpa was a pup." Liam brags. "Must be nice." I say sarcastically. Liam didn't like my tone very much, but Oli, was pulling us on, to the last stop of the tour. Their offices. Geez, I am going to get lost. Kitchen, dining halls, rec room first floor. Pool and gym, basement. Library and offices, second floor. Guest rooms, third floor. Family rooms fourth and fifth floor. Once we are all seated in Liam's office Oli says, "so, how do you like your new home?" "I think it is amazing!" Ava declares, all happy and cheerful. "You mean to tell me that someone built all this, this huge pack house, and nobody once decided to install an elevator?" I ask sarcastically. "We could have one installed if it would help you." Oli says, obviously thinking of the future when I wont be able to see the stairs very well. "I'll manage" I say, noticing that the Alpha isn't too happy with my commentary. "No, I will put it on my list of things to do. I wouldn't want you to fall down the stairs if you chose the surgery." Oli says coming to sit next to me. At that comment, the Alpha lightens up on the glare.

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