Chapter 39

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"You like this?" Oli asks me as I play his a song from my favorite band. "You don't?" I ask "I never said that, I just didn't picture this is what you listen too" Oli and I are laying in bed showing each other songs. I just played Perfect Weapon by Black Veil Brides, and Oli played Days Go By by Keith Urban. I laugh as I ask him, "Well what do you think I..." I'm interrupted by a knock on the door. Oli gets up and opens the door. "What's up man?" "Oli I am begging you to call off Ava's punishment tomorrow." Liam, of course. "I'm sorry man, you know I can't do that. It's the rules. Plus I gave the maids the day off." Good for Oli, not letting Liam change his mind. "She passed out Oli, I found her in the maids quarters crying, and then she passed out." Liam's tone changes. He's genuinely worried about my sister which makes me feel a little guilty. I may not of had the final say in what her punishment was, but I sure didn't object when Oli brought it up. I get off the bed and try to get to the door. "Charlie," Oli says coming over to help me, "why are you up?" I put my hand out to make sure I'm standing in front of the door. "Is my sister okay? What happened?" "I don't think she ate much today, and she told me she was behind all day, and I found her not five minutes ago." it sounds like he's actually crying. Liam the big bad Alpha crying? My sister must be in rough shape. I turn to Oli, "maybe she doesn't have to do EVERYTHING tomorrow? I mean she is trying to keep up with the pace of five people. What all do the maids do?" Oli listed off everything the maids do, and seriously? They do all that everyday? Why? "I don't mean to be rude, but why do they have to do all of that every single day?" I question the guys. "What do you mean?" Liam asks hoping that by asking this he can come up with a way to lessen my sisters load. "I mean why do they have to clean every room every day? Surely they can't get that dirty, especially if nobody uses them. Like all of the guest rooms, I don't hear any guests, so they can't be dirty." "Ya know what Liam, she makes a good point. Why do the maids do all of that every single day?" Oli ponders. "Why don't you just have them come in three or so days a week, and when you have visitors they work the extra day to either prepare or clean up after the visit?" I suggest. They both agree but still can't decide what to do about Ava.

"Just have her do all of the dishes for the day, the laundry that can get done, clean the bedrooms that need it, and bathrooms. Have her clean the gym because its probably gross, and skim the pool. That should be plenty to keep her busy all day still, but not so busy that she is apparently missing meals and passing out. And she doesn't have to start until five thirty?" I toss out suggestion to hopefully appease both men. "If that's fine with you it's fine with me," Oli says putting his arm around me, "you're the one she wronged in the first place." "Thank you both so much." Liam says. I hear him walking away but, "Liam!" I call out to him. He comes back, "yea?" "I know you put the no contact thing in place with my sister, but since she has less to do tomorrow, I want to add on something. I want a sincere apology from my sister. Not some fake one that turns into another fight. But a real one, considering I just saved her ass I think I deserve it." I don't hear anything for a minute but then Oli says, "You know she has a point". "Fine, but only for the apology, then the order goes back into place. Understood." Liam has to agree. "Understood. Goodnight Alpha"

"Well that was nice of you." Oli says once we have settled back into bed. "She can say I'm the bad guy all she wants, but she is still my sister and I don't want her getting sick over some punishment that was a little to much to begin with. I didn't realize how much the maids actually did, and I kind of feel bad now." I say feeling my heart ache for my sister. "Well, we will deal with that tomorrow, for now it's getting late and we should probably get some sleep." Oli says pulling me onto his chest. "Yea we probably should." I say pecking him on the nose. "Goodnight Charlie" "Goodnight Oli"

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