Chapter 2

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Ava's P.O.V.

Oh boy! How rude of my sister, she forgot to tell you what we look like. How are you supposed to know that if nobody tells you? We aren't anything super special, we just have chestnut brown hair, but I like mine super long and Charlie likes hers kinda short. My hair falls to about the small of my back, and Charlies is about shoulder length. We also both have emerald green eyes, we are 5 feet 4 inches tall, and in case you didn't put it together, we are seventeen. Anyway, that's us, nothing special like I said. Back to what you came for, our story continues below....

"Oh thank goodness you girls are home," Miss Franny comes running up to us as soon as we open the front door, (remember Charlie and I keep the link open so I can hear everything people say through the link) "I need you girls to watch the toddler unit until after dinner." I instantly worry about Leilani, "Is Leilani okay? What happened?"  Miss Franny  chuckles before saying, "She is fine, she went into labor earlier than she thought. I have the rest of the week and her leave covered, but nobody could fill in before night shift. So can you girls please just go up there until dinner in a few hours?"  "Absolutely, that is no problem, right Charlie?" Knowing how much my sister just looooooves being in the toddler unit. She rolls her eyes at me through our link, but out loud she says, "Of course Miss Franny."

We head up to the second floor where the Toddler unit is, and when we walk in the kids are super excited to see us. "Charlie! Ava!" is how we are greeted by the twenty toddlers in the room. A bunch of them give us hugs before we gather them to the rug for rug time. I read them a story, and Charlie asks them questions every couple of pages to keep them interested in the story. Once we finish the story we head over to the computer and all the kids get excited. "Wud jou wader?!" They all shout. Charlie nods as I type in the name of the game into YouTube. For the next hour they exercise and have a blast choosing their favorite candy and animals in the videos. We decided to head them down to the dining hall a bit early before all the older kids and teens get downstairs. After dinner Miss Franny and the bedtime staff take them upstairs to get ready for bed.

'What a day' Charlie mind links me. 'They weren't even that bad today, and it was only for a couple of hours.' I say rolling my eyes. She scoffs at me and we begin our homework. And before you ask, yes we have to do our own homework. And I know you are probably wondering how that works considering Charlie can't see. Remember how we said this entire pack is full of idiots who ignore us, well same goes for our homework. They don't question how Charlie is able to complete her work even though she can't "see". Charlie and I do all of our work together in our head to come up with what we think the answer is, and then I write it down on both papers. Yes I do all of the paper work. However, Charlie writes her own research papers and essays because she can do hers on a computer. Anyway, I am ranting. lol.  We finish up our homework and decided that it is time for bed, but before we can fall asleep there is a faint knock on our door. When it opens, Miss Franny is standing in the doorway, "Thank you girls so much for helping with the toddlers today. I figured you would like to know that Lelani is doing great and she had a little girl. I also wanted to remind you that this weekend is Jason's Alpha ceremony and the Luna has requested I send some of my best helpers to set up with the party planners." She closes the door before we can even protest the idea. Charlie and I both groan before climbing into bed and going to sleep.

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