Chapter 31

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Liam's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning to Ava curled up on my chest, naked. Remembering last night I smile. After our bath Ava passed out on my chest. I let the water in the tub drain, and carefully carried her to bed. I showered and then decided to get some wash clothes and clean her up the best I could without waking her. I got her backside, but when I tried to turn her over she woke up. Her eyes were barely open when she said, "hey you." her voice raspy from sleep and sex. I gave her a smile and wave before pointing over my shoulder to the bathroom. She looked at where I was pointing at her cheeks went red and she hid her face in her hands. Did she regret sleeping with me? Was she embarrassed? I gently pull her hands away from her face and do my best to sign {you okay?} "Liam I am so sorry." {y?} thankfully she had taught me the whole alphabet so asking why was as simple as using the letter until I got better. "I didn't mean to rush you into anything. I didn't even know if you wanted to, I don't even know what came over me, I just, I'm sorry." She was apologizing because she thought I didn't want to have sex with her? I've been wanting to do that since the night I first brought her home from her old pack. Granted hot sexy bathroom sex was not how I had planned to make love to my mate for the first time, but I am definitely not complaining about it. I had to grab my phone because she had to know how much I enjoyed that. [Ava, my love. Please don't ever apologize for wanting to have sex with me, you are my mate, and the day I turn down sex with you is the day you need to have me checked for black magic. What we just did was amazing, and I loved every second of it. Hell if you wanted too I would stay in here all day and do that on repeat.] she read my text and smiled. "Really?" she asked, a hint of mischief in her voice. Oh Goddess, what is she thinking? I nod. She got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom, when I didn't follow she waved beckoned me to go with her. We spent the rest of the night in the bathroom, and in bed.

"Hey," Ava says, stirring awake on my chest, "What time is it?" I look over at my clock, and hold up six fingers. She groans and then rolls over, revealing the mark I left on her neck. She was mine, and I was hers, I think as I run my fingers over the spot where she marked me last night. Oh were we going to get some looks today. I roll over and spoon into my mate, trying desperately to wake her up. "Nooooo, I don't want to get up" I chuckle into her neck so she can feel it before placing kisses all over her neck and face. "Liam" she giggles. I don't stop, in fact I roll her on to her back so I'm hovering over her. I kiss her forehead, cheeks, nose, neck, collar bone, and stop right before her breasts. I look at her, and she's looking right back at me. I raise an eyebrow and she doesn't say anything, so I continue kissing her. I kiss both of her breasts, down her belly, and then I stop again. I look up at her, and she says "why do you keep stopping?" I shrug before I go back to what I was doing. I begin to kiss her folds, earning me a breathy moan. I'll take that as my que to continue. I slowly start to lick her clit while rubbing my hand over her pussy. She arcs her hips, and I take my arm and snake it around her so I'm holding her ass in my hand. I start to lick her clit faster, "L-Liam!" hearing her moan my name makes me hard. I suddenly stop licking her clit and shove my tongue deep into her wet pussy. She tastes so good. With one hand still on her ass, I begin to eat her out, faster and faster. When I feel her getting close to cumming, I take my other hand and circle her clit. "Liam!" is all she can manage to get out as she cums all over my face. But I don't stop and I don't let up. In fact I start circling her clit faster, and lap up all of the cum before going back in for more, not letting her orgasm stop, but forcing her to ride it into another one. "Liam! Liam I'm, I'm" And then she cums on me again.

I didn't plan on making love to Ava this morning, just giving her some release, but now I am rock solid and I have to feel her around me. So I gently rub my dick against her soaking wet folds, waiting for permission. She wraps her legs around my hips and all but shoves me inside of her. "Fuuuuuuck Ava!" I shout out even  though she can't hear me. "Fuuuuuuck Liam!" she moans as I begin to slowly pump my dick in and out of her. I take her legs and throw them over my shoulder, holding her by the hips. I start out with slow gentle strokes. "Fuck, Liam! Faster." I go faster. "Faster, faster Liam" I grip her by the hips as hard as I can and start slamming into her so fast and so hard that my balls are slapping against her ass. Our mind link! We are fully mated! 'Fuck Ava you feel so good' That earns me a moan, followed shortly by her cumming all over my dick. 'Oh fuck yes! Do that again princess' "Yes, Liam. Uh!" She comes five more times before I feel my dick start to twitch. 'Fuck Ava I'm gonna cum baby!' And with a final thrust, I empty myself inside of my mate.

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