Chapter 64

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Ava's P.O.V.

It's over. I'm Luna. I can connect with every pack member. I am responsible for every pack member. I am where I belong. Just then I look up and see a man heading straight for Liam and I...

I am confused, especially when I see Charlie and Oli rushing over as well, and they look worried

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I am confused, especially when I see Charlie and Oli rushing over as well, and they look worried. He reaches Liam and starts yelling, just then Charlie opens our link and I hear this man shouting at my mate, "...why did Elder Zokar say her last name was Bluefoot? Alpha Derrick destroyed the Bluefoot family before I was born." "Interesting that you know that Percy" Liam questions him. So this is our uncle, our mothers brother. "It's my job to know everything about packs I can not trust. I thought I could trust this pack as well, but clearly I am mistaken." Percy responds. "Perhaps we should take this conversation to my office." Liam suggests looking around at the party. Percy nods and lets Liam and I lead the way. Oli and Charlie follow and close the door behind them. "Is there any reason that your Beta and his mate need to be present for this?" Percy demands annoyed. I speak up this time, "because Oli's mate is my sister, and she is the only reason I can hear what you are saying," then I decide to take it one step to far, "uncle." I spit the last word out with venom. Liam looks at me like I have lost my mind, as does Oli and Charlie, but I don't care. I don't like his attitude. "What happened to not telling him anything?" Charlie is the first to speak up, apparently not scared of him either. One look at him and he still hasn't recovered from the uncle comment. "He was rude to my mate, and I don't take to kindly to people who talk to my mate that way," I begin, taking a step closer to him, Liam at my side instantly, "Oh, I'm not done. You think you know everything about the pack that your sister left home for? Clearly you don't." I say as I watch the color slowly drain from his face. Charlie steps up, "Turns out Crescent Moon has a rule about harming children. Our father was hidden in a tree, when Alpha Derrick found him, he took him to the orphanage, where he was raised and became a part of the pack." I jump in, "He became such a member of the pack, that he became head warrior," I watched as he takes it all in, watching as realization crosses his face, "he became head warrior after meeting his mate, our mother, who left her homeland to be with her mate. So you see Percy, your sister was our mother."

Percy finally recovers after a few minutes, "what do you mean 'was your mother'?" Charlie and I look at each other, before I gesture to the sofa for Percy to sit. Once he sits we tell him the story of us. How our mother was told to terminate us, how she died, how our father died. How we were raised in the same orphanage as him. How we were found and rescued by our mates. How we are blind and deaf. How we came across all this information. How we are family, unless he wants nothing to do with us. He processes all of this, before standing, "I think it's best I leave," then heading for the door. He turns back to Liam, "I'll be in touch, we have business to discuss" Then he is out the door. "I don't like how he ended that." Oli said, and I could see he pulled Charlie a bit closer. "Shit." Liam said. 'Charlie? Did I fuck up?' I ask my sister nervously {No} She signs at me. 'Damn it Charlie, if I wanted them to know what we were talking about I would've said it out loud.' {You say that like either of them has any idea what we are saying} 'No, but...' "Enough." Liam commands. 'See.' I point out to Charlie {Sorry} she signs and says out loud. "This is a matter for tomorrow, you have a party outside" Liam says taking my hand and leading me back to the party

We didn't get far from the door before a woman came over and started talking to me, but I have no idea what she is saying. Charlie stood behind her, {she said hi} "Hello" I reply. Just then Liam says something to her and Charlie gives him a 'what the fuck?' look. {Liam just told her you're deaf} What? I turn to him, and he has a smile, as he continues to talk to this woman. 'Liam what the hell?' I watch Charlie relax, {She's a teacher at the high school, he wants to start an ASL program with the seniors} Oh thank the Goddess. When they part ways Liam turns to me, {t-h-e-y-h-a-v-e-t-o-k-n-o-w} then takes me to the stage, linking someone. We get to the stage, Oli bringing Charlie. 'Oh hell no!' I scream into the link {What is he doing?} Charlie asks. 'Telling the pack about us' 'Without asking? What the fuck?'

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