Chapter 33

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"You marked each other!?" Those words had me choking on my omelet. Please tell me I heard that wrong? "Broooooo! Nice man!" cheered one of the guys, possibly Seth. "Oh how wonderful!" the Luna lightly clapped as she "congratulated" them. "When is the wedding?" asked Lexi I think? "Whoa, chill out guys." Liam said "That was quick" said another brother. I have to know, 'Ava?' 'Yea Charlie?' 'What the hell is happening?' I demand to know 'Exactly what everyone said. Liam and I marked each other last night' I could tell she was blushing just by her tone. 'What!?! Seriously Ava? You've known him like a month. Our bed rest was just lifted yesterday. You seriously slept with him that fast? What the hell?' 'You mean to tell me that you and Oli haven't done anything? Nothing at all?' 'Not like that Ava, Goddess! I barely know him. All we have done is a kiss here and there.' 'So what are you trying to say? Are you calling me a slut for being with my mate?' 'Don't put words in my mouth Ava! I never said you were a slut.' 'But you implied it! I'm so sorry that I have spent my entire life wanting a mate, and wanting a family!' 'I didn't imply shit Ava! All I said was facts. You barely know him, you can't even communicate with him, and yet you slept with him the first chance you got. You marked him and let him mark you the first chance you got! Don't put this on me, YOU did this to yourself.' 'Fuck you Charlie! Let me be happy!' 'Fuck you too!' I leave it at that and push away from the table, not even excusing myself. Thankfully I come in this room every day so I don't have to look stupid and can have the dramatic exit I want. I storm out of the room and hear Oli behind me, "I'm gonna go check on her. Charlie wait!"

I have to slow down outside of the dining room because I don't want to run into a wall or trip, but I move as fast as I can safely. Unfortunately, it's not fast enough because Oli is next to me in seconds. "Hey, what happened in there?" He asks gently, trying to get me to look at him, but I don't let him, I keep my "eyes" on the floor. "Charlie talk to me." I shake my head and point to the dining room, trying to tell him without words that this is not a conversation I wanted to have with listening ears. He understands instantly and takes me up to his office, which is soundproof, and locks the door. He joins me on the couch and pulls me into his lap. "Now will you tell me what happened? Why are you upset?" I don't say anything at first. I'm embarrassed of my actions downstairs, but I am mortified at my sisters actions. I don't want these people to think of my sister as a slut. "Hey, it's okay, you don't have to tell me anything, I just want to make sure you are okay." Oli says when I don't say anything. "No, I just, I'm sorry for my actions. That was rude and disrespectful." I mutter "You don't have to apologize, it was obvious you and your sister were having a conversation. I just want to make sure she didn't say anything to upset you." He has started to trace circles on my back with his right hand while holding my right hand in his left. "I asked her what was going on and she told me what happened last night. I didn't fully agree, and she thinks I'm slut shaming her. I love my sister, and I would never, but..." "You're worried what everyone else thinks about them being marked that fast?" It's crazy that I have only known Oli for four or so weeks and he always knows what I am thinking. "Exactly. I don't want people to think that of her and then project those thoughts of her onto me. Is that terrible of me? Am I a bad sister? Should I of just been happy for her?" "Hey," he moves us so that I am sitting on his lap, but facing him. Is this like borderline straddling him? Whatever. "You are not a bad sister. Your sister made a choice, and she will live with that choice. You made a different one, and that's okay. I promise you that nobody will compare you to your sister, and you do not have to feel any pressure from them or anyone to move faster than you want to with me. I will wait for eternity for you. I move at your pace Charlie, whenever you are ready, okay?" How did he know that was where my mind was going next? Seriously can this amazing man read minds? "Thank you Oli." I say placing a kiss on his cheek. "Of course. Now I have some work to do, but you are willing to hangout here with me while I do." "Yes please" 

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