Chapter 20

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"Pizza what now?" says Oli's brother. Are you serious? I knew the orphanage was poor, but nobody here has heard of a pizza burger? "A pizza burger. You've never had a pizza burger?" Ava asks everyone. "Is that like a burger with pizza toppings?" Axel asks. "Kinda?" I reply "I demand to be shown a pizza burger at once!" Oli says heading towards the kitchen. We all laugh and follow. "What do we need to make these pizza burgers?" Liam asks. "Gwound beef?" Lexi asks "Pizza dough?" Olive ponders. "Cheese right?" Alex says taking the block of cheddar cheese out of the fridge. Ava and I laugh, "We need hamburger buns, pizza sauce, shredded mozzarella cheese, and any pizza topping you want. We also need a baking sheet and some aluminum foil." Before we know it all of the essential items are on the table in front of us. I open the buns while Ava lines the baking sheet with the foil. We set out thirteen top and bottom buns (26 in total), before their parent walk in. "Well what is going on here?" questions Liam's mom. "Ava and Charlie are making us pizza boogers!" Lexi shouts "Pizza burgers?" their dad asks "Yea!" she replies. The four adults look at each other and then say, "We're in, let us have some pizza burgers." So we added more buns for them. Ava spread the pizza sauce on all the buns, and I put the cheese on. "Okay, who wants what on their burgers?" (It's helpful to say that while all this was happening, the kitchen staff was kind enough to cook some sausage for these) Once everyone's pizza burgers were assembled, Liam and Oli put them in the oven. "Why do they gotta go in the oven?" Olive asked. "We have to get the cheese real ooey gooey." I say, drawing out the syllables in ooey gooey. "In the meantime, who wants to help clean up the extra toppings?" Ava asks. "We do!" say all of the siblings ten and under. Ava's face lights up, she always was the more "maternal" twin, volunteering us for the toddler and infant room. I watch Liam watching my sister. He is clearly smitten with her, and I see he knows that she will make an amazing mother one day. Five minutes later the kitchen is clean and everyone is ready to try their pizza burgers. "These are good!" Shouts Lexi "They're like bagels but softer on the teeth." Axel says. "I will forever be eating these instead." Alex adds. Ava and I beam with pride. These people really are incredible, and I am so happy and lucky to call them family.


'Ava? You asleep?'   'I'm trying to be.'   'Sorry, I just...'   'I know, me too. But we are going to be fine. Liam and Oli will be with us until we go under, and they will be there when we wake up.'   'Until they have to go to ASL classes'   'Are you really upset about that?' irritation is slipping into her words. Am I upset about it? Yea a little, I understand that it is important for Liam, and eventually the whole pack to be able to communicate with my sister, especially since she is going to be their Luna, but why did my mate have to leave me too? 'I am not upset about it for you, I am happy that Liam, and Oli, are taking this step to communicate with you, but I wish Oli would stay with me.'   'There it is.' she says with a smirk   'There what is?'   'When did you start chipping away at that wall huh? When did it click?'   'What are you talking about?' I try to deny it. 'Don't even. When we first got here you couldn't care less about your mate or what happened to us tomorrow. Now here you are, nervous as hell, AND you want your mate by your side the entire time. When Charlie?' I sigh, she isn't going to let up until I tell her, and we will never get to sleep if I don't so, 'yesterday, during pizza bagels.'   'really? that is what did it? making mediocre poverty food?' she asks while laughing. But she's not being malicious, I can tell she is really happy for me. 'it was a family bonding experience'   'wait? what was that? What did you say?'   'You heard what I said.'   'No, no I don't think I did, I'm deaf remember?'   'Ha. Ha, Very funny. Yes, I said family bonding. Something I never thought Id say okay.'   'I love you Charlie, and if you really want Oli to stay, I'm sure all you have to do is ask.'   'No, I don't want him to feel like he has to, and I don't want Liam mad if he goes to ASL alone'   'Charlie! If you don't ask him I will.'   'No, you will not!'   'Watch me.'

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