Chapter 60

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Ava's P.O.V.

Liam has kept me locked out of our link ever sense he left for Crescent Moon. I instantly linked Charlie for help, and she came to my rescue before calling Oli pissed off. They have been gone for hours, I know Crescent Moon isn't one of the surrounding packs, but surely they should've been back by now. Just then Charlie nudges me, {car} I stand up ready to give this asshole a piece of my mind. I rush down the stairs, Charlie behind me. The door opens, "What the fu-" I stop when I see Miss Franny standing there with the men. "Miss Franny!?" I exclaim before running into the arms of the woman that raised us. I hear Charlie's cane frantically patting against the floor, I hold my hand out for her so she can join this group hug. When Miss Franny lets us go she signs while speaking, like she always has, "Hello my beautiful girls. It's good to see you." {What about the orphanage?} Charlie signs "The other ladies are taking care of it. They send their love," she replies, "your mates have some important information for both of you, and thought that I would be a nice surprise, annnnnd apology" she says looking at Liam who retreats under her gaze. {t-o-m-o-r-r-o-w} Liam signs for me. "You must be hungry?" I ask her. "Nope, just finished up with dinner when these two came knocking on the door. I could use a tour though." she replies" "Of course, right this way." I say as Charlie and I each take an arm and begin to lead her through the same tour we were given all those months ago.


Liam's P.O.V.

"Now I owe you two favors man, thank you for that brilliant idea" I tell Oli as we go to my office to secure the orb in the safe. "I tend to have those sometimes, but I don't think you are off the hook. It looked like she was about to slap you before she realized it was Miss Franny" he replies with a 'you're fucked' look. I mind link the kitchen to prepare Ava's favorite desert and bring it to my office with sparkling cider. This pack house is huge and I'm sure they are also going to want to catch Franny up with everything since they've been here. By then, Ava should be calm enough, and this little treat is plan b, maybe it's plan c. "So what are we going to do about Black River?" Oli asks sitting in the chair in front of my desk. "I was going to let the girls decide. They might not want anything to do with them." I reply "Aw fuck" Oli shouts. "What?" "In all the curiosity of Amy's family we forgot to ask about Charlie's. What happened that they didn't want to take the girls?" Damn it, he's right. Nothing a quick phone call can't fix. "Lock the door" I tell Oli before setting the orb on my desk. "Are you seriously calling them?" Oli says sitting down. I pick up the phone and dial as my answer. "Hello?" says a voice on the other end. "Alpha Adam please." I say "May I ask who is calling?" says the voice, "Lucas, give me that" I hear Jason's voice through the phone. Oh, so it was the Beta, makes sense. "Who is demanding to speak to my father?" Jason demands through the phone, Alpha command in full force. To bad for him I'm an Alpha too. "It's Liam." The line goes quiet before, "Alpha Liam, did you need something else?" Alpha Adam's voice comes through the phone. "Yes in fact, in all the excitement of learning about Ava, we forgot to ask about Charlie." "Ah, you want to know why his family didn't take the girl?" Adam guesses correctly. "Exactly." "Well that's easy, he doesn't have any." Adam says non-chalet. "What do you mean he doesn't have any?" I question "His family was a part of a rouge pack that happened to wander onto our lands. When my men attacked, his parents put him in a tree to hide. Once the chaos was over my father found his hiding spot. I know most of our traditions seem silly to you Alpha, but the one tradition my great-grandfather started, and one my wife broke, was we never harm children. My father took one look at this terrified boy hiding in the tree, and took him to the orphanage.  Miss Franny's grandmother and mother were in charge at the time. They raised this little wolf, and soon he was inducted into the pack. He began training, and became one of my best friends. He beat every single opponent he went up against, and like I mentioned, shortly after meeting Ava, became head warrior." Adam gives me all the information I needed, and the orb never changed. I thanked him and hung up. Oli and I just looked at each other. Our mates had and Alpha mother, and a ex-rouge father. Holy shit.

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