Chapter 25

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"I think you two are ready to go home," says the doctor, "You two are on strict bedrest for the next week. The only reason you should be up is to use the restroom. I will check on your progress in a week. I don't want to see you two back in here until I say so. Understood?" I can hear the playfulness in his voice, and he must have a smile or something on his face because I can hear my sister laughing, so I assume he typed it up for her to read. "The Alpha and Beta have your care instructions and your medicine. You girls don't have your wolves yet, so this is going to be a hard recovery. Don't try to be brave. If you hurt, ask for you medicine. Now get out of here." With that, Oli helps me stand up, only to put me in a chair. We begin moving towards the exit I'm assuming, and we stop shortly outside the open door. I can feel the wind blowing on my face. The weather has shifted from humid summer to crisp autumn, and it is my favorite time of year. The one thing I will miss from being able to see the world through my sisters eyes are the changing colors of the leaves, the embers floating up into the air from a bonfire, and the costumes that all the kids wear on Halloween. In my daydreaming state, I almost didn't notice Oli trying to help me up. "Careful now, put your arm out, feel the door frame to the car? Okay, I'm gonna slowly help you sit." And he does just that, he is gentle and patient, and when I sit down I feel a presence next to me in the car. 'Ava?' I ask through the link as I reach out for the person next to me. 'I'm right here Charlie.' she responds before taking my hand and leading our conjoined hands to our laps. I hear my door shut, and another one open before Oli says "Let's get you girls home." The drive to the pack house takes less than five minutes, and then Oli is steadily helping me from the car. "Charlie, we don't have any wheelchairs here because of all the stairs, so I'm going to pick you up now, is that okay?" This man is so sweet, he always asks me my opinion before proceeding with anything. The other day I didn't finish my food, and he could have easily just taken it after I pushed my plate away, but he asked if he could have my leftovers since he was still hungry. I know that's a silly thing to be happy about, but nobody in my life besides Ava ever asked me before taking anything. They just knew I wouldn't see and so they did it anyway. Him asking me before doing anything means everything to me, because to me, it's his way of making sure I know he's not going to take advantage of me. Anyway, I nod yes, and he gently lifts me up, and narrates the entire walk through the pack house up to his room. "Okay, we are walking through the kitchen, okay, I'm gonna careful through the door and, ah, now on to the stairwell." I can't help but chuckle at his attempt to help me with my lack of sight. "And finally, my room," I hear a loud bang, I'm assuming he kicked the door open because then he says, "and finally, my bed."


Ava's P.O.V.

When we got back to the pack house, Liam opened my door and helped me out of the car. He kissed my nose before nodding towards the pack house, as if to ask, inside now? I nod, and he carries me inside. I look behind me and see Oli carrying Charlie in a very careful way. His mouth is moving and my sister is smiling, so he must be saying something sweet. When we get to Liam's room he nudges the door open with his foot and just wow. His room is bigger than the one Charlie and I were sharing. Wait! Charlie and I won't be sharing a room while we recover? Wait, why? "Liam?" I ask as he gently sets me on the king sized bed, lined with the same comforter as the one in the room Charlie and I share. He looks at me, and tilts his head to the side, "Why am I in your room? I thought Charlie and I would continue to share a room during our recovery." He looks shocked for a moment, but then it changes to sadness? He begins to type. [Ava I am so sorry, Oli and I just assumed that since you two were separated you would stay with us now. You can totally go back to the room with Charlie while you recover if that's what you want. I am so sorry.] "It's okay, I understand you two wanting to spend time alone with us, we're your mates, but, Charlie and I have shared a bed our whole lives, I just assumed." [Let me talk to Oli, we can take you two to your room] "Wait!" I shout before attempting to reach my sister. 'Charlie?' I don't hear anything back immediately, but after a minute, 'Ava?' 'Charlie? Um, did you know they were going to take us to their own rooms?' 'Did I know? No. Did I assume? Yea. Why?' 'Oh nothing, I just...' 'Just thought that since we have shared a bed since birth that we would share one while in recovery?' 'Yea, it was silly of me really, I just,' 'I know, it's going to be weird for me too, but when you can't sleep, you can always bug me here,' she says with a laugh, before continuing, 'besides, if at any point you want to come hangout with me, or want me to come hangout with you, I don't think these two would mind holding us in their arms and carrying us around' I have to laugh at that because she's right, they totally wouldn't mind an excuse to hold their mate, and to make us happy. 'Okay, well, I guess I will spend time with Liam. Love you Charlie.' 'Have fun, love you too Ava' we close our link and I look up at Liam, who sat patiently as I spoke with my sister. "Liam I am so sorry, I probably sound dependent on my sister," he tried to cut me off and begin typing, "wait, before you type anything let me finish. Like I said, Charlie and I have always been together, for obvious reasons, and it's just going to take some getting used to not being conjoined anymore, literally. I am so excited to spend time with you. So what do you want to do?" He raises his eyebrows at me, and begins to type. Oh boy.....

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