Chapter 27

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Ava's P.O.V.

[What do you want to do now?] Liam and I just finished watching The Incredibles. I know he wants to watch another movie, but I don't. I want to talk to my mate. I have an idea! {How would you like to learn more sign language?} He looks at me confused. "How would you like to learn more sign language?" His eyes light up, and he signs {yes}. Something he learned in class last night obviously.  {Hello}"Hello" {my}"my" {name}"name" {is}"is" {L-I-A-M}"Liam" I spell out his name for him to learn the letter signs too. Liam's face lights up as I teach him how to say his name. "Good, now try it on your own a few times." I watch him as he gets a serious look on his face, trying so hard to duplicate it again without my help. The seriousness and determination slowly changing to sadness and defeat as he struggles. "Hey," I say taking his chin in my hand, "It's okay. Sign language isn't an easy thing to learn. It takes time and repetition. You will learn it. Let's try again." We spent the next five minutes doing the same saying over and over until he is finally able to do it on his own. "Good! You did it Liam!" I am so excited that he is excited. [I did it! I did it Ava!] his phone reads. "You did. Want to learn another one?" {yes} "Okay, ready?" He nods, watching my every move. Oh he's going to like this one. {Can} "Can" {I} "I" {kiss} {you?} "you". I watch his face form in confusion as I purposely didn't say the third word out loud. A smile works it's way on my face, and he gets noticeably confused and reaches for his phone. "No, no texting right now, come on, let's practice it." He just looks at me like what the fuck am I saying though? We practice it a few more times, before he can finally do it on his own. Once he does, I reply with, "Yes, you can kiss me." as a smile spreads across my face and Liam's as he finally learns what I have been teaching him.

He slowly leans forward, gently cupping my cheek in his hand. His thumb traces circles on my chin, as he looks me in the eyes. I smile, as I look back at those chocolate brown eyes. Then we close the gap together, as I experience my first kiss. He starts out slow and gentle, moving his lips with mine in a dance so slow it feels like time itself has stopped. When I move my hand to run it through his midnight black hair, I feel him moan against my lips, and his body tighten under me. He is trying to hold himself together and not move any faster, but I know that the mate bond is telling him to do so much more. I don't even have my wolf yet and I want to do more than this simple little kiss, and if I didn't just have surgery, I might have done a LOT more. But for now, I settle with slipping my tongue out and licking his bottom lip. I feel his groan and now his other hand is gently holding my waist, but he doesn't let the kiss progress. Probably worried about what would happen if he did, but I persist, and ask for permission again. This time he doesn't hesitate, he opens his mouth and our tongues meet for a slow tango filled with hot passion. I feel him moan into the kiss, and I moan right back. Wanting nothing more than to continue this further, but he pulls back, I can see him panting, I am too. He runs his hand gently down my cheek before typing out a message on his phone. [I would love nothing more than to continue to love you princess, but you need to rest and recover. I promise once you are fully healed, and you shift for the first time, we will have lots and lots of fun. ;)] I giggle, leaning forward to nip his ear before whispering, "I'm going to hold you to that, mate."

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