Chapter 75

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Ava's P.O.V.

3 months later...

"Uh Liam?" I say from my spot on the couch. He looks up from the paperwork on his desk, "I think my water just broke" I tell him. He looks at me for a second while his brain processes, and then he is up in a minute. He gets to me so fast, scooping me up and running out of the room. "Liam! I can walk!" I laugh and he shakes his head no. We run past the rec room, and I make eye contact with Asia before Liam has me out in the car. 'Where are you going?' Asia links me through the pack link. 'Baby time.' I link back before linking Charlie the same thing. Liam drives like a careful maniac, trying to get me to the pack hospital. "Liam, calm down. I'm gonna be in labor for a while." I tell him. But he doesn't slow down. When we pull up the doctor is already waiting, of course he is. He begins speaking to Liam, and I am put in a bed and gown quickly before being connected to monitors. Just then the door to the room bursts open and Charlie is running in, Oli guiding her to me. Oh thank Goddess. "Charlie" I call out to her. {I'm here} she signs. The doctor goes to check me, before looking shocked. I turn to Charlie, {You're already eight centimeters. Turns out you've been in labor for a while, your water just never broke} "Seriously? That might explain the sharp pains. Thought the baby was just kicking me." My sister laughs, {The doctor says we have to leave} "No! Charlie stays, sorry Oli, but I want my sister" I tell them. {It's okay} Oli signs back before walking out. "I'm sorry Liam" I tell him. {Why?} he wonders. "I need my sister too" I tell him. He chuckles, {I thought you would. it's okay}

Ten minutes later I'm being told it's time to push. Oh Goddess help me. I scream and push for over an hour before my baby is finally born. {It's a boy} Charlie signs to me. A boy? Oh Goddess thank you. The doctor cleans him up and places him in my arms. {What's his name?} Charlie asks me. I look at Liam and he nods, "His name is LJ, Liam Junior" Just then the door to the room opens and everyone tries to flood in, but I look at Amy standing by the door. When we make eye contact she nods her head, giving me the courage to do what she wishes she did when Liam was born. "Nope, nope, nope. I am sorry everyone, but I do not want to be bombarded with everyone right now. I just spent an hour in agony, and I want to rest. You can meet him when we come home." I say putting my foot down. Liam says something to them and they all leave, even Charlie. 'Thank you Charlie' I tell her. 'You owe me in two months' she laughs in my head. 'Deal'

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