Chapter 48

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Ava's P.O.V.

Swimming lessons weren't that bad. Especially when I had an amazing teacher. They taught us how to float on our backs, and a basic doggy paddle. 'We can only teach you so much in two days, but when we get home you two can sign up for lessons, or I can continue to teach you.' Liam informs me, with a hint of flirting at the end. 'I like my current swim coach, I think I'll stick with him.' He smiles at that and we head upstairs to get ready for pizza attempt number two. 'I'm gonna grab a shower, want to join?' I ask Liam. 'Absolutely.' Liam and I go in the bathroom and shut the door. We undress and get in the shower. I turn the water on and while I am waiting for it to get to a comfortable temperature Liam rubs his hands over my butt. I bite my lip as the water finally reaches warm and I turn on the shower and turn around to face Liam. He immediately seizes my lips and begins to kiss me. I moan at the pleasure that instantly hits me. I waste no time and begin begging for more. My tongue taking advantage of the open mouth kiss and meeting his. They swirl together and our hot breath combine as the kiss becomes more than a kiss. My hands are in his hair and his hands are on my ass. We make out like that for a few minutes, his erection growing harder against my thigh. I can't take it anymore, I break the kiss and drop to my knees. I don't ask permission or give him a chance to decline, I put his whole dick in my mouth. No teasing, no taking it slow. I take all six inches to the back of my throat, as hard and as fast as I can. His legs instantly begin to shake from the pleasure. 'Ava! Fuck Ava, don't, don't stop, fuck!' He tries to support himself against the wall of the shower as his whole body bucks against my mouth sliding up and down on his dick. 'Ava! Ava I'm gonna cum.' That makes me moan onto his cock, sending his hot load of cum down my neck. His body can finally relax, as I give the tip of his dick one final peck before standing up. 'My turn." Is all he says before dropping to his knees and taking my clit in his mouth. Sucking hard and fast, while holding my thighs. "Oh fuck Liam! Liam!" I shout out as I cum almost immediately. But Liam isn't done with me yet. He doesn't let up on my clit, but instead begins rubbing my folds. I moan again, which encourages him to begin pumping one finger inside of me, while still assaulting my clit. My legs buckle as I catch myself on his shoulders. He pumps faster, adding a finger, then another. Soon I have all four of his fingers pumping my throbbing vagina and his tongue tracing circles on my clit at lighting speed. I feel a tightness growing in my stomach as my orgasm builds. "Liam, Liam baby I'm gonna, fuuuuuuuuck" I pant out as my orgasm rips through my body. Liam pulls out his fingers and slowly licks each one before standing up and kissing me. I desperately kiss him back, tasting myself on him. He picks me up and slams me against the shower wall. I reach down and adjust his cock to sit right outside my sopping wet folds. I watch him moan as I begin to rub his cock up and down the outside of my vagina, soaking myself more, before sliding him into me. 'Fuck baby, you are so tight' he moans as he begins to slowly pump in and out of me. I turn his face to mine and begin making out with him, our tongues picking up their hot dance from earlier. I moan into the kiss but don't dare break it. So while I moan out loud, I beg for more through the link, 'harder, harder, fuck me Liam!' I feel him moan into my mouth as he begins to plow me like our lives depended on it. Our hot breath combining as this pleasure rocks through both of us. "Oh Liam! I'm gonna! I...." 'Ava I'm gonna....' we both cum together, and I slump down on his shoulder as his dick twitches, shooting his load in me. When he puts me down, I lean up for a kiss, which he gladly gives. Then before I know what is happening... "I love you Liam" His eyes widen in surprise at first, before a smile takes up his whole face, "I love you too Ava."

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