Chapter 9

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Alpha Liam's P.O.V.

After the twins showed us their room and the bathroom that everyone on their floor has to share, they took off back to their room. "You go find some boxes for their belongings, didn't look like they had anything to carry their stuff in. I am going to go look for the pack doctor to get their medical records for Dr. Emmit." "You got it boss." Oli salutes me like an idiot. I swear if he wasn't my best friend since birth he would be in the dungeons. I walk down the four flights of stairs, careful not to make a sound on the ground floor that Charlie explained was where the infants sleep. Sure enough as I pass a window outside on my way to find the pack hospital, I see a handful of cribs full of sleeping little wolves. I wonder if I will make a good father when the day comes. Stop it Liam, stay focused. I eventually find the hospital, after passing back through the party and asking an Elder where it was. Can I just say I am so livid at it's location? The orphanage is on the complete opposite side of the territory from the pack hospital. Why is the hospital not in the center of the territory for easy access to all members of the pack? What happens if one of those kids gets sick or hurt? God the longer I'm on this territory the more I just want to claim it as my own. I enter the pack hospital to find nobody at the front desk, and the only light coming from one of the exam rooms. Seriously? Even the hospital staff has to attend this ceremony? I enter the exam room hoping to find the doctor, no such luck, but I do find a boy about the age of ten asleep on the cot. If he's asleep why is the light on? And where the fuck is the doctor? What if something happened to this kid while nobody was here?

"Can I help you sir?" a voice comes from behind. I turn around to FINALLY see the damn doctor. "Yes in fact you can, I have a few questions." "I see Alpha, come to my office and I will see if I have some answers for you," He leads me to one of the rooms across the lobby that has no light on, "have a seat Alpha" I sit in one of the shitty metal folding chairs in front of his desk. Seriously? These people are werewolves right? Why does this doctors office have shitty metal folding chairs? Does this pack seriously not have any money? No, that can't be the case, look at that extravagant ass bullshit, damn it Liam, off topic. "Doctor....?" "Doctor Beller, Alpha" "Doctor Beller, my first question is, where are all the nurses?" "Well they are at the ceremony, it is custom that every able body be in attendance at the ceremony." "Even you? Even though there was a ten year old boy, laying here, alone." He hangs his head, "I am not happy with that particular rule Alpha, but it is a rule that I must follow." "That's! Nevermind. My next question is about Ava and Charlie." I watch as the doctors face goes pale, before he quickly tries to recover, hoping I didn't notice. "What about them?" "I was hoping to have their medical file, so I could have my pack doctor look at it when my Beta and I take them home." "Ah! So that was what all the yelling was about at the ceremony. So they finally get to leave here huh?" He says happily. "Yes, so if you could just hand me their file." At the reminder of my request he pales again, "Alpha, I will give you their file, but please do not take your anger out on me if you do not like what you see....."

I. AM. FUCKING. LIVID! Their file is practically empty! The only thing in it is a single birth certificate. They didn't even get separate birth certificates? It doesn't even has their names on it! It just says conjoined twins! "IS THIS A JOKE!" I bellow, probably shaking the entire hospital. "Alpha sir, please, I was following orders." "WHAT ORDERS! FROM WHO!" He hangs his head, the loyalty to the head of the pack evident in his posture. Those bastards. "What were your exact orders! Tell me! NOW!" This little old man begins to shake at the power and authority in my voice. "Alpha, when the twins mother was told that she wouldn't survive the birth, she didn't care. Her and her husband had almost given up on getting pregnant, were thinking of adopting from the orphanage. The Luna was furious, Ava was her best friend, she demanded I terminate the pregnancy, but I couldn't, that wasn't the Luna's choice to make," the longer he talked the more relaxed he became, knowing that giving me the information I wanted was keeping his head intact, "The night the twins were born was the last rouge attack this pack saw, haven't had one since. Their mother was so worried about their father, that it sent her into labor. We were held in the bunker, I didn't have any supplies to help keep her alive during the birth. And her heart became strained when her mate died in battle." Holy shit, I really hope the twins don't know this terrible story, because my heart aches for my mate hearing about the night they lost both parents while being born. "The Luna didn't know any of this had happened until after the battle, she has a special bunker. When the battle was over she came to find Ava, praying that the stress hadn't caused what it did. When she saw her best friend dead, and the twins fast asleep in my arms, she lost it. She told me that I was to deposit them at the orphanage and forget they exist. I was to give no medical attention, not even for a sniffle. If they wanted to survive they had to do it on their own. If I gave them so much as drop of medicine my family would be exiled from the pack and forced to live as rouges. Alpha I am truly sorry for my part in not protecting your mate, but I had to think of my family."

I am going to kill this Luna. 

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