Chapter 70

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Ava's P.O.V.

It feels like we have been down here forever, but a look at the clock says its only been about ten minutes. Charlie and I filled Liam and Oli's parents in on everything they learned when they went back to Crescent Moon pack, and now I am nervous for what is going on upstairs. I have to fight the urge to mind link Liam, but I don't want to distract him. {Are you okay?} Charlie asks. "No, what is happening that it is taking this long?" I questions. {Liam's dad says that if Liam hasn't sent for anyone yet, that means that nothing bad has happened. If something went wrong their would've been a pack wide link to defend the pack house.} Just then Liam's dads eyes glass over, and I anxiously wait. When his eyes return to normal he sighs, and turns to Charlie. {Holy shit! They are threating the alliance unless they see us.} Charlie tells me. Are these assholes serious? I stand up, ready to give these "Alpha's" a piece of my mind. I don't wait for anyone else to follow me, I all but run up the stairs towards Liam's office. 'Ava!' His voice screams through my head, 'Stay with my father, if these Alpha's try anything I want extra man power' I sigh and wait for everyone to catch up, when they do we finally get to Liam's office. I don't even bother to knock, just fling the door open. I watch Liam chuckle and rolls his eyes. I pay no attention to the three men in the room. I go and take my rightful place by my mate's side. Only then do I look at these men who are supposed to be "family".  Percy has a look of disgust on his face, while his son looks like he is struggling with something, maybe arguing with his wolf? It's Percy's father whose look I'm most interested in. He doesn't look mad or upset, he looks like he saw a ghost. He whispers something, but I clearly can't hear what it is.


Charlie's P.O.V.

"Ava?" whispers a man, it's so low that I almost miss it. It can't be Percy, because I remember his voice from last night. It must be his dad. "That was Alpha Jackson speaking" Oli whispers in my ear. I nod, and continue looking the direction the men are standing, but I can't see anything. We agreed that if they were going to meet us, they were going to meet US, disabilities and all. "Alpha Jackson, good to see you." says Liam's dad from the door. Ava and I took our rightful places next to our mates, while their fathers respectfully stood off towards the door. "Alpha Logan" are the only words that leave his mouth. Just then I hear Liam growl, "Is there a reason you haven't taken your eyes off my mate?" "Possessive much?" Jackson answers annoyed. Another growl from Liam, "Liam. Enough." Ava says from next to him. They must have a private mind link because it's quiet for a minute. "Alpha, Jackson? Is it?" She says with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "You look just like her" he says. I wave my hand for Ava to see me, {He says you look just like mom} "What is that? What is she doing?" Jackson demands. "It's called sign language, Ava is deaf. Percy didn't tell you that little detail?" Liam informs him. "Deaf?" he questions, as if he can't believe it, "How?" his voice sounds pained. "Born that way," I speak up, "just like I was born blind." I feel Oli tense next to me, before a growl rips through him. I don't think I have ever heard him growl. 'Oli? What is going on?' 'I don't like the way he looks at you. He's looking at Ava like he doesn't want her to disappear, but he looks at you like he wishes you would.' Oli tells me through clenched teeth. 'Remember what Miss Franny said? I was named Charlie because I look more like my dad, that's why he doesn't like me. I remind him of the man that took his precious princess' I say the last part with such annoyance. Oli growls at my revelation.


Ava's P.O.V.

This man has a serious staring problem, but what bothers me more is the way he looks at my sister. "Do you have a problem with Charlie?" I question him. His head whips to look at me with anger, before speaking. Charlie goes to translate, but I stop her. "I suggest you calm down. I don't need to be able to hear you to know that your words are mean, angry, and nasty. You come here with an ultimatum that puts this pack, my pack, in danger, saying you want to meet us. Now here we are, standing before you, and you look at my sister with disgust because she looks like our father. I will not tolerate it. Either you fix your behavior or you leave, but either way, the alliance stays, because the deal was to meet us, not love us." Jackson and Percy recoil like I slapped them. Good, serves them right. Jackson has a huge smile on his face, while Percy looks insulted. He begins to speak, and I turn to Charlie for translation. {Spoken like a true Luna. I see you take after your mother in more than just looks.} Charlie looks annoyed, and I don't blame her. This man has done nothing to acknowledge her except a look of disgust. {I would love to get to know you better} Charlie translates some more. "Oh yea? And what about Charlie?" I say turning back to Alpha Jackson, "In case Percy forgot to tell you, Charlie and I used to be a package deal, and just because we've been separated, that doesn't change. You get to know both of us, or neither of us." He looks confused by my words. {Percy didn't tell him anything} Charlie signs. "Oh, I take it Percy told you nothing of the chat we had yesterday?" {Only told him about mom and dad being our parents} "Oh, what a pity. Did he tell you our parents are dead?" His face drains of color, I'll take that as a no, "Oh, darn, yea, we killed her. She died giving birth during a rouge attack that took our father. We were conjoined twins, and we stayed that way until we met Liam and Oli who brought us here and had us separated." Jackson has taken a seat on the couch at this point. "So I restate. You take us both, or you leave. Alliance in tack regardless. What is your answer?" I say looking at both men.

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