Chapter 11

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Charlie's P.O.V.

The Beta dropped some boxes on our bed and then said he had to go talk with the Alpha. I still have the mind link closed, not that Ava has made any attempts to nudge at it since our fight, she has however put all of her energy in to folding our things. I, as my last attempt to get her to see reason, have decided not to help. However, by refusing to do anything, that means my mind has time to think. Ava said I was scared. She doesn't know what she's talking about. Why would I be scared? Ya know its not like we are probably going to die a horrible painful death mid shift. It's not like these guys are going to have their heart ripped out when it happens. Damn it. I hate it when she's right. 'Why are you the way that you are?' I ask, opening the link. Nothing in return. The link is open, I can hear her humming to herself, but now she refuses to talk to me. Seriously? 'You're surprised that I chose to ignore you? Really? After everything we just fought about? At least I know I'm right though.' Damn it! 'So are you seriously going to have them drag me out of here?' She smirks, 'I don't think that will be necessary anymore.' 'What? Why? Have you changed your mind? Are we going to stay?' 'No, I have not changed my mind, but you have.' She has the biggest smile on her face. 'What are you talking about? No I haven't.' 'Yes you have Charlie. You opened your link back up to me, you admitted your fear, now you just have to face it, which you will.' Why is she always right? 'Because I have what you call rainbows and sunshine remember?' 'Piss off.'

Once we have everything in the boxes, even our toiletries (which wasn't much), our mates still haven't come back. Granted once we made up, things moved a lot faster. We started carrying our things downstairs, but when we got to the main floor, the door opened. "I'll take those" said the Alpha, before turning to his Beta "Go get whatever is left from their room." And before we could argue, he was gone. Miss Franny waved us over to the kitchen table anyway. We took a seat across from the woman who named us, raised us, and took care of us when nobody else would. I really would miss this woman. "So, you girls are really going then?" Miss Franny spoke/signed "Yes Miss Franny," Ava began, but then switched to just sign language and keeping our link open, 'They are our mates, and even if we don't survive our shift, I would rather spend the next three months with the man I was destined for, then to reject him on the spot and be forced to watch him walk away from me forever'  'So do they know about what could happen on your birthday?' "Yes ma'am. I made it clear." I announce. 'Well, they are clearly adamant about making it work then aren't they? I am going to miss you girls. Charlie you call me the day before your birthday. Ava you too, find a way to face time me so we can sign together' "We will Miss Franny" we say at the same time. Our mates come in at that moment, "I believe it's time we take our leave ladies." We give Miss Franny the biggest hug, before walking out the door of the only "home" we have ever known. Their driver is waiting, and when we approach he bows before opening the door, "Luna, Gamma"  Oh that is going to take some getting used too.....

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