Chapter 30

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Ava's P.O.V. (Gonna be a long one)

Seems like Charlie got you all caught up on what we did over these past two weeks, so I won't bore you with the same details again. Liam and I however, well. Liam also spent the first couple of days with me. We, and by we I mean he, worked on some more ASL. Phrases like {good morning} {good night} {you are beautiful} that one was his request. {are you hungry?} {another movie?} ya know, basics. We also practiced more kissing. And I may be biased considering Liam is the only person I have ever kissed, but damn that man can kiss. I could spend all day, curled up in bed with his lips on mine, and anywhere else he'd be willing to put them. Every night though he would carry me to bed from wherever I was hanging out with Charlie, and give me back rubs until I fell asleep. I have told him repeatedly that he doesn't have to do that, and that I can return the favor every once in a while. His response is always, [you are my mate, my princess, my world. And as such, you should be given the world, and it's my job to provide it to you. When you are feeling better and have the all clear from the doctor, you can do whatever you please to 'make this up to me', even though I expect nothing from you in return. But until then, you are to lay there, look cute, which isn't hard, and let me shower you with love and affection]. Now who can argue with that logic?

Fast forward to now. [Well, Oli and I have taken the whole day off, as usual when you go to the doctor, so what do you want to do little mate?] He has no idea the things I want to do, one of those being taking a bath. "I could go for a bath?" [If that is what you wish]. He lead me upstairs to our room, sat me on the bed, and began running me a bath. "You know I can run my own bath right?" I call out to him from the bed. He appears in the doorway to the bathroom and waggles his finger at me before disappearing into the bathroom again. What a shame that the doctor lifted my bedrest and I no longer have to wait for him to carry me around. I hop off the bed and head to the closet next to the bathroom to try and grab some towels. I assume he hears the door open because next thing I know he is standing in front of me looking annoyed. "Doctor said no more bed rest, so you don't get to look at me like that." I say sticking out my tongue. He rolls his eyes and picks me up from where I am standing and carries me into the bathroom, placing me on the sink counter. He points to me, and then the sink. I'm assuming he wants me to stay. "Me stay here?" I ask, and when he nods I reply with, "Fine, but you have to bend over while you finish running my bath." He raises an eyebrow at me, before doing as I asked.

Once the bath is fully run, he gestures to it, and goes to leave. I hop off the counter and grab him by the arm. He turns to look at me, and raises his eyebrow and shrugs, to ask me "What?" I don't say anything at first. I walk around him and close the door, locking it, before turning to my mate. Now he wears a look of "Oh?" "Stay. I might need some help getting my back." I say in my best attempt to be sexy. I have no idea what I am doing, Charlie and I have never even explored anything of the sort because well, hello awkward. I walk over to him, stand on my toes, and tilt my head back before crashing my mouth on to his. I have wanted this ever since my first night home, and have been counting down the days until I could have it. He doesn't hesitate either, his lips fighting for control of the kiss, but I don't let up. I'm in charge right now, and this big bad Alpha is just going to have to deal with it. I grab him by the hips and arch my body into him, needing to feel him against me. I can feel him groaning into the kiss, trying so hard to let me be in control. I graze his bottom lip with my teeth and watch as his eyes roll back and he opens his mouth to me. Our tongues collide with such intensity, that a moan escapes my lips, and I'm assuming it wasn't quiet either. I eventually pull away from the kiss but I'm not done. I kiss along his jaw until I am nibbling at his ear, "I told you I was going to hold you to it." I whisper in a sexy voice that earns me a hard smack to my ass, only causing me to moan out in pleasure. I continue my kisses from his ear down to his neck, finding the sweet spot that I would eventually mark, and sucking on it.  It didn't take long after that to feel his erection poking at my thigh, causing me to be wet almost instantly. I know he can smell me, and I'm hoping it's driving him crazy. I begin pulling up his shirt, only for him to whip it off in a flash, revealing a body every human male wishes they had. I kiss him on the collar bone, slowly making my way down to his chest. Do guys like having their nipples played with? I don't know? I figure I'd give it a shot. I graze his right nipple with my tongue, and I watch him grip the counter. Apparently my mate likes this. Good to know. I continue my assault on his right nipple, while my left hand plays with the left. I can feel his body shake as he tries to contain himself. I am about to continue my decent downstairs, when he gently pulls me up, and sits me on the counter.

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