Chapter 21

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Oli's P.O.V.

Today is the big day. The twin will be separated by mid day, and they will have a whole new opportunity on life. I can not wait to get to spend alone time with Charlie, to get to know her, to see what she's really like behind that hard shell she wears. It's five am, and the twins have to be at the pack hospital in half an hour. I have been up all night, and will be up all day. I am not looking forward to leaving Charlie behind to go to ASL tonight, but I have to be able to communicate with her sister, my Luna. -knock knock- That must be Liam, ready to go get the twins. I open my door, and sure enough, there is Liam, looking about as ragged as I do. "Couldn't sleep either?" "Nope." is his only response as he rocks back and forth on his heels. "Should we go get our mates?" "Absolutely" is his reply. We round the corner after the stairwell towards the twins room, but they aren't there. Where are they? We start to use our wolf sense of smell, and I know they are nearby, I can smell them. We follow their scents to... the rec room. They are sitting on the couch watching The Notebook. We join them, only for credits to roll five minutes later. Wow, they must of been up for a while too. "You ladies ready to head to the hospital?" I ask them. They both nod and follow us out the front door. Unlike their previous pack, our pack hospital isn't far from the pack house, because both buildings are centered in the middle of the territory, for easy access to all members. We get there in five minutes, walking. "Good Alpha Liam, Beta Oli," says the nurse at the front desk, "and good morning Luna and Gamma. Big day today. Come with me so we can get you two ready." Liam and I tried to follow, but the nurse stopped us, "Sorry Alpha, Beta, but you have to wait here while we prep them. You can come in soon."

Twenty minutes later we were finally allowed back in the room to see our mates before their lives change forever. Liam went over to Ava, and he had spent the past twenty minutes writing out what he wants her to know. We both agreed to treat the twins as separate people before surgery and have as special a moment with them as we could. "Hey Charlie," I say, taking her hand slowly, "I just wanted to say that I think you are super brave, and I will be here for you when you wake up." She smiles and rolls her eyes "Thank you Oli, and when this is all over, and we can have some privacy, I want to talk to you, don't look like that, it's mostly good things." she ends with a chuckle. "Whatever you wish my gorgeous mate." She smiles, and I slowly move in to lean my forehead against hers.  "Luna, Gamma, it's time." Says the doctor. Liam and I go to get out of the way, but I notice the look on the twins faces. It's not nervous, its the look they have when they are communicating through their link. "Oli wait!" Ava shouts. Charlie is looking at her sister furiously. "Charlie is going to kill me for this, but you need to know. Charlie wants you to stay. Please don't go to ASL lessons tonight. Stay with my sister." This shocks, not only me, but Liam as well. "Charlie can she hear me?" He asks her, and when her response is a nod, "Why do you still want me to go? What if I want to stay here with you?" "Come here Liam," Ava says extending her arms out, "I do want you to stay, ah ah ah, but I want to be able to communicate with you more. While I appreciate Oli's want to communicate with me, Charlie doesn't need that from him. I need it from you. I want to be able to talk to you, to be with you, and texting and writing on paper is fine for now, but I need you to learn my language. So that is why I am okay with you not being by my side every second tonight, and why I am begging Oli on my sisters behalf, to stay here with her."  Wow, Charlie really does want me around. Of course I will stay here, it's what she wants, Liam can just tell the guy that something came up, or someone else can go in my spot. I don't care, but I know one thing is for sure, my mate will have me here all night long.

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