Chapter 59

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Liam's P.O.V.

"Who were Ava and Charlie's parents?" I ask, starting out simple. "For clarification Alpha, do you mean your mate Ava and her sister Charlie? Or do you mean their grandparents?" Alpha Adam says nervously from his chair, scared to answer wrong. "Obviously I mean the twins." I reply annoyed. "Okay. Their father was Charlie Bluefoot, and their mother was Ava Blackfur-Bluefoot." Wait? Blackfur? That's Alpha Percy's name. "Was Ava related to Alpha Percy of Black River pack?" I ask a little off track. "Yes, Ava is the daughter of an Alpha, and her brother rules the Black River pack," Adam begins to pour information, "she met Charlie when her father brought her here on business. He would bring her to every pack so that she could have a chance to find her mate. When they were here, Charlie was outside with the other warriors training, the rest is you know, pretty easy to explain. However, they had a decision to make. Charlie was next up for head warrior, but Ava was Alpha blood. In the end, Ava decided that Charlie had more to give up, seeing that Ava would never rule her pack with Percy being first born. She moved here, and worked hard to become head tracker alongside her husband." Oli and I look at each other in awe. Our mates have Alpha blood. I look at the orb, its blue color never changing. Everything being said was true. "Next question, if the twins have family, why weren't they given back to them?" I demand to know. "Because when Ava left home to come here, her father disowned her. He told her that if she would leave her family and homeland for a common wolf, then she could be a common wolf herself." The orb didn't change even though I wished it would. Are you kidding me? "So nobody from Black River knows that Ava and Charlie are dead and that the twins exist?" Oli speaks up from next to me. Adam shakes his head. Oh they were going to find out very soon! I'm livid. But I'm getting off track. "I have one more question, it's the main one I came to ask." I ask before taking a deep breath. "Did you have any idea that your wife, your Luna, treated our mates the way she did?" Both men looked at each other before both responding, "No Alpha." The orb flickered to red for a quick second. "One of you isn't being entirely truthful." I warn with a growl. "I suspected," Adam spoke up, "When she asked to have a new pack hospital built, and to have it built on the other side of the lands. But she played it so well. Said that it would give us more space in the field for parties and celebrations and that the small piece the new hospital was built on was better. I was a fool for believing her, and for moving the hospital. But if what you found out from the doctor is true, then it makes sense. My wife almost never left the pack house. She'd be able to smell the doctor and stop him before he could pass." "And demand to know where he was going." Oli chimes in, catching on quick. "Exactly." Adam replies The orb never changed colors again, everything that had been said in this room had been the truth. I wouldn't have to kill or challenge either of these men for what happened to Ava and Charlie. "What do you plan to do if your wife comes home after seventeen years?" Oli wonders, "Will you allow her to continue living on pack lands? Will you banish her?" Those are good questions I didn't think to ask. The men look at each other, it's Jason that speaks up, "If, and when my mother returns, she will no longer have any say in pack business. Lizzy will have been Luna for many years, and I will hopefully have an heir close to taking over. She will not be banished from the pack considering this is her birthplace, but she will not be living in this house. My father has already begun construction on a house on the edge of pack lands for them to live in if she returns. I truly apologize for what your mates went through, and I will do everything I can as Alpha to make sure that nothing like that ever happens again." The orb never changing color from that bright blue. Perfect.

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