Chapter 24

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Oli's P.O.V.

"I have to head out now" Liam says, standing up from his spot next to Ava. "Alright man, try to remember everything so you can teach us when you get back" I say "You know that if I don't remember Asia will." He replies, while leaving the note he had promised Ava on her bedside table. He hesitates on giving her another kiss, not wanting to wake her, and decides against it. I know the feeling, ever since Charlie fell back asleep, I have wanted to kiss her hand, but also worried I might wake her. Moments later Luna Amy and little Lexi come into the room. Luna reminding Lexi that she needs to be quiet until the girls wake up. I wave at her, earning a small one in return before she opens her book that she brought. The Luna leaves Lexi and Ava's bedside and comes over to me. "So Liam didn't say much, how have they been since surgery?" she whispers, so as not to chance waking them up, even though Liam and I just had a conversation in normal volume not five minutes ago. So I reply in a tone slightly above a whisper, "they have both been fine. They woke up and were worried about each other, had a sibling mind link conversation, and eventually fell back asleep." "Well, you and Liam are going to have to get used to that. Those two relied on each other more than any of us could ever hope to understand. I think that even though the mate bond will be incredibly strong, neither of you will compare to the other sister." she says with a mixture of sorrow and happiness. "I wouldn't expect anything less Luna, I never want them to lose that closeness that they share, it's what makes them special." With that she nods her head and takes her post next to Ava. With nothing to do my mind swirls with the million things we have to do in the next few months. We have to get the twins through their eight week recovery, then we have to finally introduce them to the rest of the pack, then we have to sign everyone in the pack up for ASL classes, then we have to prepare an amazing birthday party for Ava and Charlie, then prepare a Luna ceremony for Ava, kind of sad Charlie won't get a special party for her rank in the pack, but something tells me she won't mind it too much, oh and we have to mate and mark them eventually. Plus we have that annoying pack to the North to finish business with, and we have issues with the twins old pack now as well. Plus I've been meaning to increase training times, and.... "Oli?"


Charlie's P.O.V.

I wake up in a fog, and slightly disoriented. It takes my brain a minute to remember that I am in the pack hospital. It also doesn't help that I can't fucking see anything! "Oli?" I call out for my mate, sensing he is near, but not feeling him. "Hey, I'm right here," he says gently taking my hand, "sorry, I was running through a bunch of things in my mind, I didn't realize I had started pacing"  This intrigues me, "What's on your mind?" "Pack things, you, upcoming Luna ceremony for your sister, you, more pack things, you. Ya know, the basic things a Beta has to worry about." I roll my eyes at him, he is so goofy sometimes.  "So how long until we can leave this hospital?" I would really like to recover somewhere more private, and I know I told Oli that we needed to talk when we were alone. "Doctor says you can leave tomorrow afternoon. He just wants you to spent twenty four hours post surgery here to monitor you and Ava in case anything happens." Has he always talked so gentle or is it because I just had surgery? I'm sure I'll figure that out eventually. "Hey Ava!" screams a small child, forgetting that my sister can't even hear her. I smile at that.


Ava's P.O.V.

I wake up and I have to blink against these obnoxiously bright hospital lights, but suddenly, they aren't so bright. When I completely open my eyes I see Liam's mom walking away from the light switch, and little Lexi is waving her arms around. I'm assuming she's saying hi to me, and I giggle. "Hi Lexi. Thank you for dimming the lights Luna." She begins typing on her phone for me, [No trouble at all. I always hated these darn lights, it makes no sense why a recovery room would need such brightness, like goodness let a person sleep] I laugh at her text, before she hand me a folded up paper with my name on it. It must be my note from Liam. I open it. *My sweet Ava, as promised I have left you a note in my absence. I hope you are well rested, and I will hopefully be returning to you shortly. Until then, XOXO -Liam* I smile at the letter, then turning to place it on the table side. "Luna," she turns toward me when I call to her, "was anyone upset earlier when I said I wasn't up for visitors? I really didn't-" she cut me off with her hand before typing what must be a novel on her phone. [Sorry this took forever to type. Do not apologize my dear. You had major surgery, and have every right to say you were not up for visitors. I wouldn't of even been upset if you decided you didn't want Lexi or I to stay with you in Liam's absence. I don't know what it's like to have surgery, but I can only imagine it's about the same if not worse than child birth, and believe me, after Liam was born, I was bombarded with Logan's entire family, Sophia and Omar, and my family face timed from my pack. I wanted to scream at all of them to just give me space to breath. And when I had Asia, I told everyone that only Logan and Liam were allowed to see me until the doctor told me I could go back to the pack house. I get not wanting to be bombarded with a million people. So do not feel like you need to apologize for having basic needs.] I smile and hold back tears while reading her kind and funny text. "Thank you Luna." [Please, call me Amy, or mom if you're comfortable] "I think I'll stick with Amy for now" I reply with a smile. She nods, right as the door opens and Liam walks in. I feel my heart skip a beat when I see my mate.

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