Chapter 14

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Charlie's P.O.V.

Ava and I were sat at the table where not Liam and Oli's entire families seated, but plates had already been distributed. Through the link I saw Ava trade her bacon for my sausage, catching Oli's attention. "Do you not like sausage Charlie?" "No, it has a weird texture to me, but it's okay, Ava loves it, and will always trade me her bacon." I say with a smile. "So does that mean you don't like bacon?" Liam asks Ava, which she can hear since we are getting along and our link is open. "No, I like bacon, Charlie was always just the pickier eater." she laughs as I stick my tongue out at her. "Well why don't we start off breakfast with introductions, I'm sure you are a bit overwhelmed." offers one of their mothers. "Oh! Of course, how rude of us," Oli instantly begins speaking and introducing his entire family, which is seated on his side of the table, "first is my dad, former Beta of the pack, and my mom, obviously former Gamma." "Omar" "Sophia" they both give their names before Oli continues on down the table. "Then you have my brother Seth, he's seventeen. You have Owen who is fifteen. Shawn who is thirteen. And last but definitely not least, the princess of our family, little ten year old Olive." All of the brothers wave, or give a head nod, but Olive laughs as she responds with, "That's right, and don't you forget it biggest brother." "Wouldn't dream of it only sister" is Oli's reply.  "Guess it's my turn for introductions," Liam begins as he turns toward his side of the table, "dad, former Alpha, his name is Logan. Mom, former Luna, her name is Amy. Then you have my headaches, I mean siblings." That earned him a chorus of "hey!" "As I was saying," he continued, "Asia, age sixteen. Lonnie, thirteen. Something you two are familiar with, twins, Alex and Axel, ten. And lastly, while not the only girl in the family, certainly the most spoiled, you have Lexi, who is eight." Again, most siblings respond with a wave, brother Lonnie decided on a head nod, but little Lexi said "I am not the most spoiled!" Which earned her looks from every single sibling sitting at the table.

"So tell us about you now!" little Olive shouted from her seat at the end of the table. She was so adorable I couldn't help but smile, and I am not big on kids. I decided to mind link Ava, 'So what do we say? Do we just do basic? Do we go all in?' 'I don't know, do you want to do the talking?' 'Do you want me to do all the talking?' 'Absolutely not, because if we decide to go all in I feel it should be delivered gently.' 'So I do basic, you do hard stuff?' 'Yes, I think that would be best.' "Um, hello? Anybody home?"  asks one of Liam's twin brothers. "Axel!" Guess it was Axel. Ava laughs at his comment, before I begin with the basic introductions. "Sorry about that, we were just figuring out who was going to talk first. Let's start off with the basics. I'm Charlie, and this is Ava. Clearly you can see we are conjoined twins. Because of this, our mother unfortunately didn't survive the night we were born, so we're all we got. No other siblings." Some gasps escape some siblings lips, but nothing from our mates or their parents. How did they know? Did they just assumed our parents were dead and we were orphans? Ava decided to take over at this point, delivering the rest of our sob story "gently".  "We also lost our father the night we were born in a rouge attack, so we have their names. We grew up in our pack orphanage and didn't have many friends. We also have something that we haven't shared with either of you yet as well." Well that got everyone's attention. They were all practically sitting on the edge of their seats. "I'm deaf, and Charlie is blind."

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