Chapter 41

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Ava's P.O.V.

I finished up everything that I was tasked with doing today. I was finishing up my spaghetti when Liam found me in the maid quarters. 'How is today going?' He asked sitting down next to me. I smile at him, 'I'm actually all done' He looks at me with a smile before it disappears, 'not entirely' He's right. I have to apologize to my sister. What do I even say? She says she wants a genuine apology but every time I try to talk to her about what happened she gets mad at me. We never fought like this when we were still conjoined. What happened to us? Liam takes my plate and washes it in the sink. 'Isn't that breaking the rules? I was supposed to wash that' I say raising one eyebrow at my mate. 'If Oli wants to get on me for washing one dish I'll handle it. Are you ready to do this?' Liam asks tilting his head towards the door. 'Absolutely not, but I'm gonna try.' I say taking his hand and walking with him to the rec room. When we walk in I see everyone has settled in for a movie, well except the person who I actually need to talk to. Charlie and Oli aren't here. I look at Liam to see he just finished mind-linking someone, I'm assuming Oli. And I was correct because two minutes later they walk into the rec room. Oli says something to Liam, which gets everyone's attention and they pause the movie. Liam and Oli continue to have a conversation but I look at my sister. "Charlie?" I say cautiously, causing Liam and Oli to stop. {What?} she signs at me. "I just wanted to ask you before I start my apology if you wanted them to hear my side or to have this via our link?" Everyone looks to my sister. {I'm fine with whatever, it's none of their business, but Oli, forgetting you're the one that can't hear just said he wants it out loud. All I care about is you being sincere Ava.} 'I could care less what your mate wants right now, you are my priority.' I hear my sister chuckle in my mind, 'Well that certainly doesn't seem to be bugging Liam or I, Oli however is pissed.' Sure enough I un-link for a second and see Oli is fuming. 'You can tell him all about my apology later. I heard you stuck up for me this morning at breakfast, why?' I ask her. 'Because Ava, even though you suddenly hate me and want to paint me as the villain, you are still my sister, and I will be damned if anyone talks bad about you. Especially when it's none of their damn business' 'You think I hate you? Charlie I don't hate you, I thought you hated me. I thought you were mad at me for mating with Liam when I did. I thought, well you know what I thought. Charlie you are my sister, I love you.' 'Why would I hate you for mating with Liam? That was your choice. Do I think you may have jumped at it a little too quickly? Yea, but that's just me being protective of you. I didn't want anyone talking about you, you can't hear them, so you can't defend yourself. I was just trying to let you know that you need to be cautious is all. Besides all that, you are going to be this packs Luna, and I love you Ava, but your actions lately haven't exactly been Luna material have they?' 'Oh Goddess, Charlie I am so sorry. I appreciate you always looking out for me, and I hope you know I do the same for you. Are we good? Can we forget that stupid fight? I would really like to have my sister back.' 'Back? Where did I go? You never lost me stupid, I was a mind-link away, always will be.' I run at my sister and grab her in a huge hug. She hugs me back and I think we're both crying.


Charlie's P.O.V.

"So does this mean they made up?" I hear Lonnie ask from the couch. I don't let go of Ava, knowing she needs this hug right now, but I smile as I tell everyone, "Yes, we're good." Cheers erupt from everyone, and Ava eventually lets me go. "Thank you Charlie." {What are you thanking me for? You were the one who apologized remember?} "For protecting me." Before I can sign back I hear Asia pipe up, "Protect her from who?" This get everyone's attention. I roll my eyes, {Anytime sis, go with Liam and relax. Love you}. Oli goes to take my hand but I stop him. Hearing my sister's voice fade I turn to the room. "Who are you protecting her from Charlie?" Asia demands again, this time her voice sounds closer, and I don't really like her tone. Apparently Oli doesn't either, "back up Asia, and watch your tone around Charlie. Don't forget that little talk your brother and I had with you." "Well I'm just trying to look out for Ava, if you cared about her as the future Luna, or your mate you may be concerned with who they need protecting from" I can't hold it back anymore, I laugh. "What's funny Charlie?" Seth wonders. "Ava was thanking me for protecting her image. We aren't in any danger." I say through laughter. "What do you mean her image?" Asia pipes in again. "Well when her and Liam came down to breakfast after ya know, you guys didn't exactly have the nicest comments to make about her. I wanted her to be aware that her 'family' was talking about her," I wish I could see the looks on their faces because the room goes silent, "Exactly, nothing to say now do you? I wanted my sister to know that her choices have consequences and for her to be aware of them. I hope when you all find your mates you face that same choice, and you can understand the choice Ava and I made depending on the choice you make." Oli leans in and gives me a kiss before one of the boys says, "Are you sure you're not supposed to be Luna? You sure act like you'd make a kickass one." Oli and I both growl. "Are you seriously going to disrespect all of us like that?" Oli says. "Like what man? Since the surgery Charlie has shown more leadership and given a hell of a speech here and there. What has Ava done except mate Liam and fight Charlie?" I growl again. I literally just had a talk with these assholes about not slut shaming my sister, and I told them this morning that the fight between me and my sister was non of their business. "I have heard enough! You know nothing about me or my sister, and I swear if you talk badly about her one more time you will regret it. She is your future Luna for fucks sake! She is Liam's mate for a reason! You always say how Liam is grumpy and dumpy, well then it makes perfect sense that rainbow and sunshine Ava be his mate. Same goes for Oli and I in reverse. Being mated to someone has nothing to do with what they'll do in their role of the pack, it's about balancing out your mate and being the half that they need. Goddess do any of you pay attention in school? I'm done, I'm going to bed. But I promise you as this pack future Gamma, I will personally throw you in the dungeons if you say one more bad thing about my sister, do I make myself FUCKING clear!?" I am met with a chorus of "Yea, sure". Oli takes my hand then and leads me to our room. "You really are going to make a great Gamma"

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