Chapter 74

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Oli's P.O.V.

There is a knock on the door to my office, "come in" I say. I was expecting Charlie, but that's not her scent on the other side of the door. When it opens the head chef comes in, "Hello Beta," she bows in respect, "Charlie requested your meals be brought to your office" she says holding two trays of food covered with dishes. That's weird. "Okay, thank you. You can put them on the table." I tell her pointing to the table over by the couch. She places the food and leaves. I wonder why she didn't want to have dinner with everyone. Another knock a few minutes later, and now I know it's Charlie, "Come in Charlie". What I am not prepared for, is Charlie walking in looking so gorgeous...

 What I am not prepared for, is Charlie walking in looking so gorgeous

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"Wow, you look gorgeous

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"Wow, you look gorgeous. What's the occasion?" I ask, walking over to her as she shuts the door behind her. She blushes, it's then that I notice she has a box in her hands with a bow on it. Oh shit did I forget something? "Nothing special, I just wanted to have a private dinner." she says nervously, putting her hand out for me. I take it and lead her to the table. We sit and I uncover the trays. My favorite meal? Okay, this amazing woman pulled out all the stops, what is going on?


Charlie's P.O.V.

I am so nervous. "You had the kitchen make my favorite meal?" Oli asks me. I didn't, but I will thank Ava for that detail later, "I wanted tonight to be perfect" I lie. Thank you Ava! He pauses. "Well let's eat then." He says handing me my fork. I begin to eat, and realize Oli's favorite meal is seafood. Not my first pick, but this is delicious. I can taste scallops, and something creamy, is that rice? This is good. I go to reach for my drink, and when I realize its wine, I put it down. "Do you not like white wine?" he asks me. "I don't really drink, I'm sorry." I lie. I hear his chair scrape against the floor and what sounds like a fridge opening. "Here, I keep waters in here so I don't have to go down to the kitchen." he says handing me the bottle and sitting back down. Oh thank the Goddess for that. I open it and take a sip. We eat in comfortable silence for a while, before he says, "thank you for this, it was nice and thoughtful" Oh this man has no idea why I really wanted to do this, but he's going to find out right now. "You're welcome, but I will tell you I had a small reason to plan this tonight." I tell him, reaching for the box on the table. I hand it to him. "What's this?" he wonders. "Just open it" I tell him.


Oli's P.O.V.

"Just open it" she says as a smile spreads across her face. What is this amazing woman up too? I slowly pull at the ribbon, and take the lid off the box. When I look inside I almost drop the box. Is that, is she? "Charlie?" I ask looking up at her. "Yea?" She questions with a huge smile. "Is this? Are you?" I fumble over my words. "Am I what?" she laughs. "Charlie? Are you pregnant?" I ask setting the box down on the table. "Yes." She says, with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face. I push out of my chair, and at the sound, she stands up too. I pick her up and spin her around, so excited to be a father. She laughs at me. "Oh Charlie I am so excited! We are gonna be parents!" I shout. "Shhh! The whole point of the private dinner was for this to be private. Ava is the only other one who knows" she tells me. I'm a little hurt that she told Ava before me, but it makes sense. Someone would've had to help her get dressed. "I'm sorry. I'm so excited." I tell her. "I see that," she says with a giggle, "I just want us to live with this little 'secret' for one night. We can tell them tomorrow" "Whenever you are ready." I say before kissing her.

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