Chapter 68

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Ava's P.O.V.

I wake up to an immediate urge to vomit. I bolt out of bed, probably waking up Liam, and head straight for the bathroom. My body lurches as I empty whatever was in my stomach, before feeling Liam's hand rubbing circles on my back. His other one holding back my hair. "Go, you don't have to be here while I puke" I tell him, embarrassed. 'You are my mate, rubbing your back is the least I can do while you have morning sickness' he tells me, no hint of disgust in his tone. Once I finish vomiting, I slowly get up, Liam holding me the entire time. I rinse out my mouth before heading towards the shower. Liam joining me. "You still want to shower with me after that?" I ask. He gives me a look, 'Ava, that was natural, you are carrying our child, you are going to vomit, have mood swings, cravings, and a bunch of other stuff. I will be there through all of it.' "Seriously?" I question, skeptical. He rolls his eyes before picking me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. One hand holds my hands above my head, the other holding me up by my ass. He begins kissing my mating mark, causing me to moan. 'I will do anything for you Ava, I promise.' Then he tries to put me down, "If you mean that, you will finish what you just started." I tease, moving against him. He chuckles before doing just that.


Liam's P.O.V.

Once we finish showering we head downstairs to join everyone for breakfast. "There she is, the Luna that left her own party" Lonnie calls from his seat at the table. I growl at him, and he puts his head down. We were the last ones to arrive, so everyone is here. Good. 'Do you want to tell them?' I ask Ava. But before she can answer, she is up and running, causing looks from everyone. "What was that about?" Asia wonders. Charlie looks concerned for her sister. "She wasn't feeling good this morning." I lie before rushing after her into the kitchen. She is over the trash can, kitchen staff hovering over their Luna. When they see me walk in, they back off and I go to her. She stands and looks for something to wipe her mouth with. The head cook is there with a napkin and a cup of water for her to wash out her mouth. "Thank you" she says. {You're welcome} she signs before returning to her duties. She quickly freshens up and goes to walk back into the dining room, but I grab her arm, gently. 'They were wondering what was up, so I told them you weren't feeling good. Figured I'd let you make the decision' I inform her. She looks up at me with a soft smile, 'Well if I'm going to keep puking, they should know why. But before I go back in there, can you clear the bacon from my plate?' 'Of course' I say before walking back in alone. When they all look at me I shake my head and grab the bacon from her plate and mine. "Something wrong with the bacon?" Seth questions. Just then I hear my mother and Oli's gasp before sharing a look. Well looks like they know. I quickly throw away the bacon and Ava returns from the kitchen. The mom's waiting anxiously for us to announce what they have figured out. "Um," Ava tries to start. "We have an announcement" I say, looking at her knowing she heard me through our link. Everyone stops eating, the moms about to jump up. "Uh, yea. Um.... I uh." Ava stutters, nervous to tell everyone. I sit down, and have her look at me, 'Do you want me to do it?' I ask with concern. All I get is a nod, as her face flushes red. I kiss her forehead, "Ava is pregnant" I announce.

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