Chapter 53

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Ava's P.O.V.

'Hello? Ava? Wake up!' I stir as I hear some unknown voice in my head. 'Who are you?' I demand to know.  'I'm Raven, I'm your wolf. Happy birthday.' she tells me back. My wolf? I got my wolf! 'Well it's nice to meet you,' I tell her, 'can I go back to bed now?' I hear her chuckle, 'Of course you can.'

I wake up to Liam jumping on me. 'GOOD MORNING BIRTHDAY GIRL!' He yells through our link. "Oh Goddess, please don't yell." I tell him. {Sorry love} "You're okay, just ow" 'So are you excited to meet your wolf?' "Already met her, she woke me up when she appeared, her name is Raven." 'I bet she is lovely,' I hear him groan into the link, 'Ethan can't wait to meet her tonight' I chuckle at that and decided it's time to get up and get ready. Once I am showered I head downstairs for some food, and I see the house is already in mass chaos for our party. I sneak into the kitchen praying for their to be at least a muffin. {Good morning} the head of the kitchen staff signs for me. "Good morning, is there anything for breakfast?" She points to the dining room when the alpha and beta families eat, I should've checked there first, how dumb of me. {Thank you} "Thank you" I sign and speak for her to learn. She bows and goes back to preparing the food for this evening. 'I am feeling a hankering for some eggs' I hear Raven say in my head. 'Well you get what you get and you don't throw a fit missy' I tell her 'Testy testy.' she mocks back. I roll my eyes at her as I walk into the dining room. Once I am seated Charlie signs, {What was the eye roll for?} "My wolf is a diva" I tell her. I notice the room erupt with commotion at my words.


Charlie's P.O.V.

"She met her wolf?" Charlie did you meet your wolf too?" "What are their names?" The room explodes with questions for Ava and I about our wolves. I met mine this morning when I woke up. {Everyone wants to know our wolves names} I sign for Ava. "Oh," she says back, "my wolf is named Raven." I feel my own wolf lose her shit upon hearing this. 'That's my sister! Raven is my sister!' my wolf Zena yells in my head. 'Are you serious? The moon Goddess gave us sister wolves?' 'Yea! Isn't this great?!' My wolf has way too much energy. "Charlie?" Ava asks. {Sorry, my wolf is Zena, says Raven is her sister} "What!? Our wolves are sisters too?" This just causing more chaos at the table, "Sister wolves?" "Have you ever heard of that before?" "I mean I assume wolves have families like we do, but I don't think I have ever heard of something like this" "That's fascinating." At just this moment I sense Oli walk into the room and I shoot him a look, begging for help. "What is going on in here?" he asks before sitting in his seat next to me. Everyone begins to talk all at once again. "Wait, so their wolves are sisters?" I hear Liam ask. "Apparently," I say back, "Mine won't chill out about it" "Mine either" Ava says. (Yes, I sign everything I say so that my sister is never left out of the conversation) "Great. Can't wait to see what happens when we shift tonight" "Oh right, we gotta do that" Ava says, and I hear the nerves in her voice. Why the hell is she nervous? I'm the one who has had the nightmare about shifting for years. Thankfully they stopped once we had surgery, but still, I make a note to talk to Ava alone before the party tonight.

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