Chapter 19

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Oli's P.O.V.

"Okay sir, thank you very much." I say as I hang up with the ASL coordinator. "Are we all set then?" Liam asks from his desk. "Yes, we have our first ASL class on Saturday at six pm" "Saturday? Seriously? The same day as the twins surgery?" "Yes, the same day. Their surgery is at six am Liam. The doctor said it would be over by one, and they will wake up by two. They can't leave the pack hospital for a few days, and we need to learn ASL as soon as possible. And I may have texted Ava and she okayed it." "You texted her? Why?" Liam is using his Alpha tone on me. "Because, I had the same reservations about it as you did, so when I told the guy on the phone I was checking my calendar, I texted Ava. She wants to be able to communicate with her mate, and she said our siblings could keep them company if they are even awake. She is fine with it." He shoves away from his desk and goes downstairs, no doubt, to find our mates. I follow him, hoping to spare them from his possible rage. We find them in the rec room with our siblings, absolutely annihilating Seth and Asia at pool. "What is going on here?" Liam asks curiously "Well I'd say it's pretty obvious, our mates are kicking ass and taking names." I say, clapping my best friend on the shoulder. Ava and Charlie are solids and they only have two balls left on the table, including the eight ball, while Seth and Ava have half of their balls all over the place on the table. "They hustled us bro." Seth says. "Really?" Liam and I say, not believing it for a second. "It's true! This is our third game, and we crushed them the first two times, and now." Liam actually laughs when the twins sink the eight ball and brush fake dust off of their shoulders. "Don't hate the playah's" Ava says. Which is followed up with, "Hate the game bay-bee!" by Charlie. Liam and I cannot contain ourselves and for the first time in a long time, I see Liam crying with laughter. "How are you two so good at pool?" Asia demands to know. "When Jason though he broke the pack house pool table, it got donated to the orphanage, and when nobody wants to hangout with you, you learn how to do things," Charlie shrugs, "but after Saturday, watch out, Ava is the master, I just get in her way" "Oh please, with Charlies heightened hearing, she'll be just as much a threat alone too."


Liam's P.O.V.

I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard. This amazing woman, and her sister have brought a joy into this house that nobody else could. They, well at least Ava, are so positive about things, despite what they.... Wait! The whole reason I came down here. "Ava," she turns to look at me, "did you seriously tell Oli that it was okay for us to take ASL classes the day of your surgery?" She smiles and shakes her head, "Oh Liam, I knew you would react this way. Yes, I told Oli to schedule your first class on Saturday, because it was the first available slot, and I would like to be able to communicate with my mate. Seth and Asia have already agreed to stay with us while you are at class, and to link or call you immediately if something were to happen. But nothing will happen, because the Moon Goddess is good, and gave my sister and I a miracle." "Wait! You know Ava is your mate? How?" calls Lonnie from the couch where he has paused his movie. Oh right, I never did tell my family about how we suspected who are mates were. "We don't know for sure, but we have a hunch." I say before explaining said hunch. Asia leans over and gives Ava a HUGE hug before saying, "I'm so happy for my brother! Either of you would have been amazing for him, but, no offense Charlie, I was hoping it would be you Ava. He is so moody and serious, and he needs your light and sunshine to calm him down." "And Oli here," Seth begins, while patting his brother on the back, "could always use a bit of a reality check sometimes. Always has his head in the clouds. Charlie is the perfect person to bring him back down to Earth." Both girls smile and I even see a blush form on their cheeks. I also smile, I am so happy that my family and Oli's have been so kinds and welcoming to our mates, considering they didn't have that growing up.  "So who's up for some pizza burgers?" Ava says "Pizza what now?" says Owen from the video gaming chair.

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