Chapter 43

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Ava's P.O.V.

It's been about a month since our surgery, and a week since we have been fully cleared by the pack doctor, and it's time to go on our surprise vacation. When Liam told me what to pack I had to inform him that Charlie and I didn't have much. That turned into a shopping day for Charlie and I. 'Ava, I trust you completely, but if you put me in something ugly in front of Oli I will disown you' Charlie threatened me when I told her we were going shopping for new swim wear and other things. 'Now Charlie, when have you ever known me to pick out ugly clothes? Even when our picking were slim I found us good items to wear. So now that we, and by we I mean I, have a whole mall to explore, we will never wear ugly looking clothes again.' 'If you say so.' Did I forget to mention that Asia was joining us on this shopping day? I saw her waving us into the nearby store and I followed her inside, with Charlie on my arm. Oli had insisted that she bring her new cane that came in, so she could get used to using it. I scanned every single rack in the store, and my eyes landed on the PERFECT swim suit for Charlie! It was modest enough for her taste, but also sexy enough for Oli to drool over her in it. Perfect.

'Charlie, I just found the perfect suit for you

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'Charlie, I just found the perfect suit for you. Would you like to feel it? See if you like the fabric?' She reaches out, and I place the bikini in her hands. She runs her hands over both pieces and gives me a thumbs up. I didn't see anything I liked in this store, but Asia found some really cute boots, and we headed to check out. Charlie deals with the lady at the counter, but she signs for me so I'm not left out of the conversation. {That will be twenty-five dollars} 'Holy shit Ava, we can't afford that' Charlie tells me in the link. 'Liam said to get whatever we needed, no limits' I say back to her handing over Liam's credit card. She swipes the card, and we leave the store, following Asia into the next one. I scan all of the racks again, and find no swim suit I want, but I do happen to find some lingerie for myself, and some cute panties for Charlie. Once we check out, Asia sends me a text, [still nothing for you to swim in? What exactly are you looking for?] "I don't know exactly, but I will know when I see it." I see her chuckle at that, and drag us into another store, where I FINALLY find the perfect bikini to make me feel hot, and to make Liam lose all self control.

" I see her chuckle at that, and drag us into another store, where I FINALLY find the perfect bikini to make me feel hot, and to make Liam lose all self control

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I hold it out for Asia to see, and her eyes go wide. She says something to Charlie, and Charlie signs, {What did you just pick out for yourself? She just asked if you want to give Liam a heart attack, and that he would never let you wear it.} 'That is exactly what I was going for. And if you must know it is a black and pink bikini with the trim being lace. Liam IS going to lose his mind when her sees it, and that is exactly what I want' {Oh, Goddess help us all} She then proceeds to tell Asia what I said and Asia says something to Charlie. {She says it's your funeral}. We check out, and then Asia leads us into one final store, JC Penny, to get basic clothes. Shorts, shirts, ect. We spent a total of four hours at the mall and I am proud of the haul I have. When we get back to the pack house Liam and Oli eagerly ask what we bought, but I told them they had to wait until we left....

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