Chapter 51

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Liam's P.O.V.

I wake up early the next morning, looking at Ava who is fast asleep. I decided to go start breakfast for everyone if Oli and Charlie haven't already. I slip out of bed and put on some pajama bottoms, skipping the shirt since Charlie wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I walk into the kitchen and see Oli is already up and trying to start on pancakes. "Hey man," I tell him as I go to the fridge for some OJ. "Oh hey man, how did you sleep?" Oli asks putting water in a measuring cup. I chuckle, "Fine considering the noise coming from the other room" I watch him roll his eyes at me. "Coming from you? I swear Charlie probably wishes she was the deaf one hearing you two go at it." He claps back while also chuckling. This is why Oli is my best friend, despite us growing up in the same pack house together. "Fair, so how was it? Was it everything you ever dreamed of?" I tease him. He always used to say that he couldn't wait to have his mate, to shower her with love in every way possible. "Better." is all he says with a huge smile. I'm about to say more when I hear movement from the other room. "Is that Charlie?" I wonder. Oli and I listen a bit closer, and when we hear a faint "fuck", we know it's Charlie. Oli instantly runs to their room, while I take over the pancakes.

'Liam?' I hear through my mind link with Ava. 'In the kitchen love.' I tell her then return to the batter in front of me. Moments later she has entered the kitchen, 'Are you making pancakes?' she smiles before leaning in for a kiss. 'Actually, Oli started it, but then he went to help Charlie, so I kinda took over' She rolls her eyes and gestures for me to give her the bowl. She begins to pour the batter in the pan and then turns for the cupboard for another bowl. "Eggs, and milk please" she says pointing to the fridge. I grab what she asked for as Oli and Charlie join us. Charlie signs something to Ava, and damn do we need to get better at sign language. "Pancakes, do you want me to see if we have chocolate chips?" Ava says back to her. More signing as I place the ingredients on the counter for Ava. "If you say so, scrambled or over easy?" She asks turning to look at everyone. Ava signs her answer, Oli makes a gesture that I think means scrambled, and I link her scrambled as well. "Perfect, that makes it simple." Huh? "Charlie? Did you sign scrambled?" I ask her wanting to learn more ASL. "Yea." she says and then shows us how to sign it again. Oli and I begin to practice this new sign we learned, which gets Ava to smile. Once breakfast is over we all shower and head to our destination for the day. We are taking the girls swimming with dolphins, then scuba diving, followed by dinner at a luau. 

*Author's note*

I apologize to anyone who started reading this when I first started writing it. When the school year started back up, I was so busy with work that I didn't have the time or energy to write. I'm hoping to not take another 2-3 month hiatus. I'm hoping to update at least once a couple of weeks or so. So if you are an OG reader, I appreciate you, and if you just recently found this story and have read this far, I appreciate you as well. Thank you for enjoying my crazy ideas.

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