Chapter 34

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Ava's P.O.V.

Charlie stormed out of breakfast, good let her go. Oli got up and followed her, and all eyes were on the door until it closed shut behind him. 'What happened Ava?' Liam asked me through our link. 'She reprimanded like a child, like she always does.' I say, annoyance at my sister still evident in my tone. 'Whatever, we made our choice, she doesn't have to like it, but she does have to live with it,' He says while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. 'Asia wants to know why, I didn't say anything, figured you could answer' I look at Asia, "Because your brother is my mate and I have wished for mine since I was old enough to understand what it meant to have one. And now that I have Liam, everything in my life is perfect." I turn toward him and give him a peck on his nose. 'My mom says you're sweet' "Thank you Luna"

After breakfast Liam has work to do in his office so I head to the rec room. The younger girls head to the library for arts and crafts. Lonnie, Shawn, and the twins head down to the pool for a swim. Seth and Owen go to the gym, and Asia joins me in the rec room. [So do I get to know any details?] she shows me her phone. "Do you really want to know about my sex with your brother?" I look of disgust crosses her face as it dawns on her what she's asking. [Ya know what, no, never mind, pool?] I chuckle and head for the cue sticks on the wall. "Break?" I ask handing her a que stick. She shakes her head and points to me. Okay, guess she's in a mood to lose. After five rounds of losing, Asia decides she doesn't want to play pool anymore and moves on to the video games. She pulls out one of the old plug into the TV ones where we will have to take turns. She settles on a game called Mappy. I watch her play and the concept of the game seems simple. She plays for about five minutes and gets a score of 10,000 points before dying to a cat. She throws her hand up when her score displays as the consoles new high score. She then points to me and hands me the game. I sit down and prepare to lose horribly. I play what seems like forever and I am starting to sweat. Man who knew this game could be so intense. I haven't been paying attention to the score just focused on keeping this dumb little mouse alive in the hopes of beating her score.

When I finally die, I hear, 'Good job my love'. I turn to see that every single sibling has entered the rec room, even Oli and Charlie stand in the back by the door. Asia looks mad and I don't understand why until I turn to look at what score I got. 40,000 points. Oh shit, no wonder Asia is pissed. How long have I been playing this if that was my final score and the room filled up without me knowing? I look at Asia, "Sorry?" I notice the two younger girls have been jumping up and down smiling, while all of the guys, Oli included have been laughing. Charlie though just stands there, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. Is she seriously still pissed? 'Oli says that you are the only person that has ever beat her score in that game,' comes my sisters voice in my head, amusement evident in her tone, 'she holds every record score, well, until now' And I watch my sister laugh and I laugh too. Now I really know why Asia is mad. 'Asia wants to know if you suck at anything.' I hear Liam and Charlie say in my head at the same time. I laugh before answering, "yea, I suck at hearing." That sends Lonnie, Seth, and Owen to the floor. They are red in the face and holding their sides. Asia has gone from being upset to rolling her eyes and laughing too. 'Look at my sister cracking funny gloomy jokes, careful now or you'll start taking my side gig.' I laugh at my sister before walking over to her. I put my hand on her shoulder, "Can we talk?" 

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