Chapter 37

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Charlie's P.O.V.

I decided I wanted to be there when Oli delivers Ava's consequences. He wrote it all out on a piece of paper, but he was going to read the paper out loud so Liam could know the punishment too. When we got to Liam's office he stopped to knock before opening the door. "I told you to come alone." Liam says from somewhere. "No, you told me to come deliver a consequence, and that is what I am here to do Alpha," Oli replied using Liam's title instead of his name. "Ava, you broke one of the rules of this pack, and for that you must be given a consequence. Tomorrow you will spend the day learning what he maids have to do to keep this pack house clean, and then Thursday and Friday you will do it all by yourself. The maids will not be here as I will be giving them the day off." "Are you serious man? You expect her to do the work of five maids in a single day?" Liam yells at Oli "Liam you know just as well as I, that the punishment given to her is lighter than what she should get for breaking that rule, she's getting off easy because she is your mate and our future Luna." Oli doesn't back down on his punishment. My sister must have just finished reading the paper because she goes, "Are you serious? Aren't there like ten maids in this place? You expect me to do the work of ten people, all by myself?" {Don't do the crime if you can't do the time} I mock my sister. "You did this didn't you Charlie? You told him to give me this" {I didn't do anything. He asked me what wouldn't be considered a punishment for you and what would. He rolled with what I gave him. Like I said, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.} "That's enough Charlie," Liam shouts, "I don't know what you are saying to your sister, but you two girls are to stay away from each other for a week. Do I make myself clear?" "Crystal, Alpha, but then what do we do about breakfast?" I really must have a death wish challenging this man when he is already mad. "Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Ava and I get the dining room. Meals will be delivered to your room or Oli's office. The other days you and Oli will get the dining room. Now both of you out of my office"


Ava's P.O.V.

He can't be serious? He expects me to do all of this? What the hell. Liam kicks them out of his office, and when the door shuts he turns to me. 'It's two days. You will be fine. I also ordered you and Charlie stay away from each other for a week.' He then explained how that would work out with meals and me having my punishment. If I went to clean a room and Charlie was in it, I would have to go back to that room later. Great. The worst possible punishment I could've gotten, maid work. I knew Charlie told him to give that to me because she knows how much I hate it. See this is what I mean about my sister changing. I hope that this week apart gives her time to think about how she really is different.

I am woken up the next morning by Liam gently shaking me awake. "What time is it?" I say groggy. 'Four am' is his response. Is he serious? Why is he waking me up at four am? 'One of the maids is at the door, she's waiting for you' he says when I don't move. Ah fuck, he's really going to make me do this. I roll out of bed and go change. When I open the door a maid who looks to be about fifty is standing outside the door. She smiles and bows at me before beckoning me to follow her. She leads me down into the kitchen where she hands me a grey apron. I tie it on and am lead to the library. I watch as they dust every single bookshelf down, even the top. For reference these bookshelves are practically floor to ceiling bookshelves. The kind that you need a rolling ladder to reach the top. There are also like fifty of them in here. Once they finish the shelves, they wipe off the chairs, desks, and then vacuum the floor. Once they are done and we move on to he next task I look at the clock and see that it is five thirty. It took five people ninety minutes to do one room. My hell continues throughout the day. By ten thirty we are allowed to take a break to eat breakfast. Only to be followed with watching them clean all of the dishes from the family breakfast. Once they finish those we move on to cleaning the rooms that we are allowed to enter. Liam, Oli, and their parent's room being the only ones off limits. By the time they finish cleaning all of the rooms it's our lunch at two pm. Followed by guess what, more dishes. I follow them through the rest of their day before they finally get to wash the dinner dishes at six pm, and go home to their families at eight to have dinner. I get to finally eat as well before dragging myself up the stairs to Liam and I's room. I take a quick shower and plop down on the bed exhausted. Liam is still working in his office, but I am so tired I fall asleep.

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