Chapter 47

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Ava's P.O.V.

My plan is working perfectly. Liam is losing his mind over me in this bikini, and he pulls me into our room and all but slams the door shut. I stand next to the bed watching him. He has his hands balled up into fists against the door and is leaning his head against the door. I decided to slowly saunter over to him. He doesn't move even though he knows I'm coming closer. I place my hand on his shoulder. 'Ava,' he grunts out through the link, 'Why did you choose that bikini?' I don't move my hand from his shoulder, "Because, I wanted to show off for you. And believe me Liam, if you think this bikini is too sexy, wait until you see what else I have packed." He bangs his fists against the door and turns on me, causing me to drop my hand and take a step back. 'Ava, thinking you are sexy in that is only partly my problem. Why would I want my Beta to see you dressed like that? Why would I want lowly humans to see you like that?' "Liam, it's a bikini, I feel sexy in it, and you clearly like how I look too. I don't think Oli seeing me will be a problem considering he only has eyes for my sister. He never looks at me, not even when he is communicating a message to me through you or my sister. As for humans, I packed an extra suit for myself for if we did anything around other people. Now can we go outside please?"  I tell him hoping to calm him down. I wanted the 'I think she is so fucking sexy' reaction, but I didn't realize he would be so mad about it. I walk toward him again and place my hands on his shoulders. I lean up on my toes to give him a peck on the nose. He takes a deep breath and opens his eyes. They are back to his normal brown and he runs his hands through his hair. 'Never again. This is the only time you wear this bikini on this vacation' He tells me with Alpha tone dripping from every word. "Yes Alpha" I say seductively. 'Now let's go outside before I rip that bikini up and leave you no choice' With that we head outside, where I see Oli holding Charlie in the water.


Charlie's P.O.V.

Oli brings me outside and leads me to the rocks at the edge of the property. I stop letting him lead me and plant myself. "What's wrong Charlie?" Oli asks at my sudden brake. "I am not getting in the ocean Oli, I can't swim." I say, fear evident in my tone. "I know that Charlie. Liam and I were going to teach you two how to swim. If you would let us." I feel the fear subside slightly. Of course they were going to teach us how to swim, they weren't going to let us drown. Stupid Charlie. I hear a splash followed by water hitting me and I recoil a step. "Oli!" "Oh my bad, did I get you wet?" he mocks me. "How do you expect me to get to the water I can't see." "I put your walking stick on the ground next to you. Bend over and pick it up," he instructs, and I follow his instructions, "good, now slowly use your stick to move forward. When you feel your stick no longer hitting ground stop walking." I take one step, two, three. My cane stops scraping against the ground and feels like it is floating. I instantly stop moving and drop the stick. "Good Charlie," Oli's voice floats up to me, "now I am going to reach out and you will feel my hands on your feet." Sure enough his hands find my feet, "Now slowly sit down on the ground," I sit, "Now slowly scoot closer to me." As I do his hands move from my feet, up my legs, and grab my ass. At this point I'm up to my thighs in the water. "Okay, now don't move." And I don't, but he does. His hands move up my body to my arms. He gently places them on his shoulders before moving his own hands back to my butt. "Now, I'm going to pull you in, slowly, but I promise I won't let go" I nod, and he lifts me off the rock and into the water. I wrap my legs around him and as promised he doesn't let me go. "There, that wasn't so bad was it?" I stick my tongue out at him. "Ah, we missed the most important lesson. Getting in the water." I hear Liam chuckle from behind me. I lift one hand off of Oli's shoulder to give Liam the middle finger salute. I hear him chuckle before I feel someone enter the water next to us, followed by another. "Ready to learn how to swim Charlie?" my sister asks me. {no} I sign back.

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