Chapter 5

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"Alpha, we have arrived on Crescent Moon lands, we should be at the ceremony in about ten minutes." my driver informs me.  "Thank you Patrick." I reply.  "So what's the plan Liam? Are we staying just long enough to be cordial, or are we hear to parrrrrrrrty?" asks my Beta Oli. "Long enough to not seem rude I suppose."  That earns me a look from my best friend, "Are you sure you're feeling up to this? Are you sick? When have you ever cared about being rude? You are the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack for fucks sake man."  He has a point there, I didn't get my fathers pack from the near bottom of the totem pole to the most feared pack in the world by caring what other people thought, however, this punk ass little bitch did come to my Alpha ceremony, so I figured it's only fair that I return the favor, and to keep peace with this pack. "Alpha, we have arrived."  "Thank you Patrick." We step out of the car and follow the signs pointing towards where the ceremony will take place.

We enter the the clearing near the pack house, and as expecting the soon to be ex-Luna went all out for her precious little asshole. God, my ceremony wasn't even this lavish, in fact, this is the most excessive Alpha ceremony I think I have ever been too. The entire clearing is covered with this packs colors. Streamers of silver hang from multiple light posts surrounding the entire what, football sized clearing?  At the top of each light post is a bundle of probably ten golden balloons, with this packs crest embroidered into them? You have got to be kidding me. Before I can make any more internal comments about the obnoxious amount of effort this Luna forced people to do, I am hit with the most intoxicating scent I have ever smelled. "Liam! I think I smell my mate man!" Oli shouts to me. "Me too!" We exchange looks before setting off to find where these scents are coming from. To our surprise we end up walking in the same direction. Do our mates know each other? Are they friends?

Many Alphas try to say hello as we continue to plow through the crowd of people forming for the ceremony, but Oli and I do not care right now. We are on a mission to find our mates. What concerns me is that the stronger to the scent we get, the farther away from the ceremony we get. Is there a reason our mates would be this far back? Are they not from this pack? Just as we push through the last few chairs lined up for the ceremony we spot them. But they are nowhere near any chairs. In fact, they are all the way by the tree line, almost like they aren't supposed to be a part of this evening.  Once that initial thought is past my mind, I look at Oli who is also looking at me. It's quiet obvious that the reason our mates are standing next to each other is because they are sisters. They both have the same chestnut brown hair, however one of them falls all the way down her back, while the other sports an almost bob haircut. And when I get a look at their beautiful emerald greens eyes I think my heart stops for a second. The only problem is, is that their scents are so intertwined with each other that I can not tell which of them is supposed to be my mate, and which is supposed to be Oli's. I also can not understand why one of them has been leaning in to the other for such a long period of time. Surely if they wanted to have a private conversation they could just use their sibling mind link correct? It's Oli that notices the reason for this first, "Liam," he whispers, hoping that he is being quiet enough that they do not hear us, "They aren't just normal twins man, they are conjoined twins."

Conjoined twins? That has never been heard of before in the wolf community, hell that's even kind of rare in the human world where all sorts of crazy genetic bullshit happens to them. I have so many questions, my first one being why the pack doctor didn't try to separate them. It doesn't LOOK serious from where I am standing, then again I am no doctor, maybe it is something internal. They also haven't noticed us which means they haven't gotten their wolves yet, so what are they? 16? 17? I have a million questions but my wolf Ethan is telling me to ask them later and to meet our mate. Oli and I share a look before cautiously approach these girls. The twin with short hair notices first, and then nudges the other, almost as if they had been caught? They bow before the one with long hair speaks, "Hello Alpha, did you need help finding you seats?"  "No, because I won't be going to my seat tonight. My beta and I would like to know the names of our gorgeous mates though, if you don't mind." There were plenty of things I thought would happen when I finally met my mate, but the look of horror on both the girls faces was not one of the things I imagined. Why are they so terrified of us? Do they know what pack we belong too? We may be the most feared pack, but we always put our women and children's safety first. And then come the words I never thought I'd hear come from my mate, "You must be mistaken, neither of us could be your mate."

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