Author's Note

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I apologize if some of my chapters seem lack luster or feel like filler chapters.

I have this theory that I suffer from ADHD, and I only wrote so much of this story before I got distracted by another idea in my head. So at a certain point, this story became a "lets wing the rest as we go" type of deal.

If you have grinned and bared through my more lack luster chapters and are enjoying the read, I appreciate you, you kind hearted soul.

I haven't written like this since college, which I finished before the pandemic, so it's nice and also strange to be writing again. Especially a topic that I have never written before. Most of my other stories I've begun writing and then bailed on (thank you suspected ADHD), have been fanfictions or revolving around self harm and abuse.

So again, I thank you all for reading, and I hope I can muster enough brain power to focus on this until it is finished. With that said, lets get back to reading shall we? 

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