Chapter 38

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Ava's P.O.V. (again)

'wake up princess' Liam's voice rings through my head. I groan as I roll over and see that it is four am. Meaning I have to start my day of hell. I get dressed and kiss Liam goodbye before heading downstairs. I go to the first stop, the library. This took those sweet old ladies ninety minutes, lets see how long it takes just me.  ...  ...  ...  ... Finally done! I whirl around to see the clock and it says six thirty! What! It took me two hours to do one room? Oli you mother fucker. I move on to the next part of the pack house I have to clean, the gym and pool. I get started doing everything I saw the ladies do yesterday.  ...  ...  ... ... Done! Nine fifty? Oh Goddess! The maids got three more things done before we ate breakfast yesterday and I am thirty minutes away from mine. I move on to the next task.  ... ... ... ... Done! Eleven!? I have to eat and do the dishes before lunch. I rush down to the kitchen and see the kitchen staff making lunch. I look for my breakfast that they are supposed to make the maids but don't see it. "Um excuse me?" I stop one of the staff who was spreading mustard on sandwiches, "I don't see any plate for me with breakfast." The worker looks around before looking at me and saying "Oh I'm so sorry Luna, someone must have thrown it out. I'll get you a yogurt." Seriously? She brings me back a tiny yogurt and I gobble it down, absolutely starving, before starting on the breakfast dishes. By the time I am done with those, the kitchen staff is throwing the lunch dishes in the sink. I figured I should do these since I am already here and I lucked out with them serving sandwiches. I finish those and see a sandwich sitting next to the sink for me. I eat it before moving on to my next task. 'How's it going princess' Liam's voice calls in my head. 'I am so behind and hungry' I cry back I hear nothing back from him and move on to the next task.  ...  ...  ...  ... Done!

'You sure are a hard woman to find,' Liam says while standing in the hallway with a chicken snack wrap in his hands, 'for you. Eat.' I quickly take the food and eat it. 'Thank you. But if I have any hope of getting sleep tonight I have to keep moving' I whine. He kisses my head and leaves me to my punishment. I finish all the work the maids normally do and look at the clock. Ten thirty, and I haven't even eaten dinner. I sit in the maid area and cry. This has been the worst day ever, punishments at the orphanage weren't even this bad. I have barely eaten all day and I am exhausted. The door flies open and Liam is standing there with a look of fear on his face. Oh right, the mate bond, he felt that I was upset. He rushes over to me, and asks if I'm okay. I shake my head no, before passing out in his arms.

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