Chapter 4

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Ava's P.O.V.

We head for the pack house, keeping our mind link open since Miss Franny and a few others at the orphanage are the only people who bothered to learn sign language, and there is going to be way to much going on for Charlie to blindly rely on me to lead us to our destination. We don't even make it past the back door before running into the Luna in the kitchen. We bow in a sign of respect, and are met with a disgusted hmph, before she says, "What are YOU doing here?" "You asked Miss Franny to send some extra hands for preparations for Jason's Alpha ceremony Luna. She asked us to be some of those hands." I respond. "You're hands are anything but helpful," she says disgusted, "if you want to be helpful you will stay away from the pack house until Saturday night. And! You will stand all the way in the back during the ceremony. I would just ban you from it entirely, but who am I to break the traditions of my husband's pack? I don't want anything, especially you, drawing attention away from my son that night do you understand?"  "Yes Luna." we say in unison as we bow. With that Charlie and I head back to the orphanage to grab our things for school.

'That is why I don't believe any of the garbage Miss Franny feeds us about her being best friends with mom. If mom truly was her best friend, wouldn't she of chosen to raise us as her own instead of dumping us at the orphanage?'  "You always forget to see between the lines in the stories that Miss Franny tells us Charlie. I can totally understand why the Luna is so cold to us. If mom was her best friend, and she died giving birth to us, she probably blames us for moms passing. But it doesn't matter, because in three months we will be far from this place."  'If we don't die first.'  "Yes, yes Charlie, if we don't die first." With that we head to school. Yay.


-Two days later-

'I really don't want to go to this stupid ceremony.'  "I know Charlie, but its tradition that ALL pack members attend. For Goddess sake, even the orphaned BABIES are required to be there until the crowning is over."  'I am well aware of the traditions, it's only been pounded into our heads for the past six weeks at school in preparation for tonight.'  "Well then don't pout about things out of our control."  We set out to join the rest of the pack near the pack house for the ceremony. As per orders of the Luna we stay in the back of the ceremony space, near the edge of the forest. 'How long do we have to stand here before this thing starts?'  "Considering it looks like visiting Alphas are still arriving, we will be here for a while."  'UGGGGGGGH!'

(Author's note: Sorry for some chapters being short, and others being long. I'm not one for size consistency.)

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