Chapter 69

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"Ava's pregnant" Liam announces to the table. Shock courses through me as his words process in my head. "I knew it!" shouts the former Luna and Gamma. The entire table erupts in congratulations and way to go's. I turn to my sister, {how are you feeling?} 'I dunno Charlie, I'm excited, I've always wanted to be a mom, and I love Liam, but.' {You have a whole village behind you, literally.} I remind her while laughing. "Thank you Char- Wait!" she says out loud. Everyone turning our direction, "Charlie! Is that!? You and Oli marked each other!?" She yells, so happy for me. Of course she is. That's my sister, always happy for others before herself. This just causes more of an eruption as everyone starts congratulating us too. {Leave it to you to find a way to get the spotlight off of yourself.} I accuse her. She giggles before taking my hands and leading us to stand before wrapping her arms around me. I love my sister more than anything, okay, maybe not more than Oli. When we break away I turn to him and reach, only for his hand to find mine instantly. He pulls me closer before placing a kiss on my head. "This calls for a celebration!" announces Asia. "What does?" Lonnie asks her confused. "Yea, we literally just had a party" Seth says. "Our Luna is pregnant with our heir, and now that Charlie and Oli have marked each other we officially have our new Gamma!" Asia announces like it should be obvious. "Asia, no" Liam tells her. "It doesn't have to be whole pack. It could be just us. We could have a family movie night or something small." She begs. I hear a murmur of comments under peoples breaths before I hear Oli and Liam sigh. "Fine, but don't be surprised if anyone leaves your little 'party' early" Oli tells her, before pulling me closer. She squeals and then I hear the door to the dining room open quickly. She must be off planning. "Are you serious?" Liam groans. "What is it?" Oli asks him. "Percy is back, and he brought his father and son." "Are you going to let them on pack lands?" Oli wonders. "Why is Alpha Percy here with his father and heir?" questions the former Alpha. "I have to let them through Oli," Liam begins, "Charlie, can you and Ava catch my parents and Oli's up to speed please?" I turn to my sister, who has been left out of the whole thing, looking confused. "Yes Alpha." I say. "Goddess Charlie, you're my sister-in-law, call me Liam please. Please go to the lower level, possibly to pool or something, and stay there until I have someone come find you." He commands. "I won't let him hurt either of you." Oli tells me before kissing me, and practically shoving all of us out the door...


Liam's P.O.V.

"Why are all three of them here?" Oli wonders pacing in front of my desk. "I don't know, but nobody will touch them." I growl as I hear their car pull up outside. Everyone but Lonnie was sent to their rooms, he was to get the door and show them to our office before making himself scarce as well. If anything happens I want nobody in the cross fire. Just then a knock on my office door. "Come in brother" I tell him before Lonnie opens the door letting the three men walk in. Once they are all in, Lonnie closes the door and leaves. "Welcome gentlemen, to what do we owe this visit?" I say trying to act casual. "My son informs me that your Luna is my granddaughter, and her twin sister is to be your Gamma?" Alpha Jackson announces. "That is correct, but that still doesn't tell me why three generations of Alphas are standing here in my office." I retort. "Well of course I am here to meet my grandchildren." Alpha Jackson says, but I don't trust it. "Why?" Oli demands from my left, "Why do you all of a sudden have an interest? You disowned your daughter for leaving and being with her mate, wanted nothing to do with her. Now you discover you have grandchildren and none of that matters?" I can feel an anger rolling off of Oli, and it takes a lot to make him this mad. Alpha Percy rolls his eyes, "If you do not wish to allow us to see them, then lets get to the next piece of business." "And what exactly might that be?" I demand "Our alliance." Percy says with a smirk. "Are you backing out of it?" I question. "Well that depends on you. My father and I would like to have a chat with your mates, but if you won't allow that, then I guess we don't need to be friendly, do we?" Dick!

Alpha Jackson...

Alpha Jackson

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Alpha Percy's son...

Alpha Percy's son

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