Chapter 50

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Charlie's P.O.V.

Ava and Liam knocked it out of the park with dinner tonight, but I think that has more to do with my sister than Liam. She has always been an amazing cook, and this pizza was perfection as were the brownies. After dinner we turned on some music and played some games. At about eight we decided to head up to bed. Oli closed the door and I reached for a pair of pajamas that I know I had Ava pack but I can't feel them. "You looking for these?" Oli asks placing a pair of pajamas in my hand. I feel them for a minute and yes, these are the exact pair I was looking for. "Yea, where were they?" "Ava must have come in and set them out at some point, they were on the dresser" he informs me. "Thank you. I'm going to go change".

Ten minutes later and I am laying on Oli's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kisses my forehead, "goodnight Charlie" Nope. I run my hand up his chest, slowly work up to his jaw so I can turn his head to face me. I lean in for a kiss, and he gladly gives me one. "What was that for?" he says softly. "I wanted too, and I want more." I say sweetly. He rolls over so that we are both laying on our sides. "Take as many as you wish my dear" Oh I hope I don't blow this. I lean forward, and he meets me halfway. It starts out like any other kiss we had. Soft, sweet, and slow. But he doesn't pull away and that's what I want. He's letting me be in control of this kiss, and he has no idea what he just signed up for. I take an internal deep breath, and do something I have never done. I open my mouth wider as the kiss progresses and lick his lip for permission. This startles him a bit, but I feel him smile as he opens his mouth. Our tongues collide in a slow dance, our hot breath mixing as this goes to a level I have never encountered. I hear him groan as he controls himself to not take over, and that makes me smile. He is doing what he said he would and letting me go at my pace. I put my hands on his back and pull him closer to me so that our bodies are touching, and then I gently run my hand up his back and into his hair. Earning me a moan when our bodies collide, followed by another groan. His hands stay put at his side and above his head, but I take the one by his side and wrap it around me so that he is holding me. I break the kiss, only to trace more along his jaw line and down his neck. I find the spot where someday I will leave my mark, and I lick it. "Charrrrrlie!" he moans out. I give it a few kisses, earning me some more groans, before moving on. I push him on to his back and with his help I climb on top. "What are you doing?" he pants. "I told you I wanted more" I try to say seductively.  He moves his arms before saying, "I'm all yours, do with me as you wish" I lean down to kiss him, before returning to his neck. I kiss and nip all down his neck while his body twitches underneath me. I sit up and put my hands at the base of his shirt, but I stop, waiting. "Do you want to take it off? You can." he says softly. I slowly begin pushing his shirt over his head, and then I run my hands over his body. Damn I could get used to this, Oli is a Beta, but his body sure doesn't seem like it, he is ripped. I start at the top of his chest and I begin to leave slow lingering kisses all the way down his chest to his abs. Damn these abs, I may not be able to see them, but I know they are fucking hot! I lick all six of his amazing abs, and he moans each time. Then I stop again, hands lingering at his bottoms. And he also stops, "Charlie? Are you sure? You don't have to do this" he asks me. Making sure that it's my choice, whereas probably any other guy would've just been like 'fuck yea, do it' And it's that concern, and care that has me slowly pulling them off of him, and tossing them on the floor. "Mhm" he groans. I slowly trace my hands back up his legs, leaving a trail of kisses where my hands touched. Then I get to his thighs, and realize he didn't have any underwear on. Fuck yea. I decide to tease him though, the best I can with no eye sight. I run my hands all over his thighs, and everywhere around his dick, without ever touching his dick. "Damn your hands feel so good and you haven't even touched me yet" he says softly as his body arches against my touch. I chuckle before placing my hands on his balls, "Oh fuck." he whispers I slowly begin to massage his balls before moving up to his dick. I can't even hold the entire thing in one hand he is so big. "Fuck Charlie!" I slowly begin to move my hand up and down on his dick. I hear something smack the bed, I'm assuming his hand, and his back arches with every stroke I make. "Fuuuuck." I decide to kick it up a notch, and lean down and lick his dick from bottom to top, earning a moan from him. I do that a few more times before putting just the tip in my mouth. I let it sit there for a second, teasing. He begins to whine, and I circle the tip with my tongue before slowly putting more and more of him in my mouth. His moans getting louder with each inch I take. I am only about halfway down when I physically can't fit anymore in my mouth. I moan onto his dick when I realize just how big he is, and begin the slow gently ascent up his dick. I do this again and again, getting slightly faster each time, until I am eventually gagging on his dick, and his moans are filling my ears. "Fuck Charlie! Just like that Charlie, fuck fuck I'm gonna..." and with that his hot sweet cum flies down my throat and I swallow every drop.

With a smile on my face, I roll over on my side of the bed. Oli panting next to me, "That was amazing Charlie. May I return the favor?" And then he flinches, "Sorry, bad choice of words, I..." But I cut him off, "Oli, it's okay, you didn't mean it that way, and yes, if you would like you can return the favor." I don't get to say anything more because his lips crash down onto mine, but he doesn't stay there long, he moves down to my neck, where he will eventually mark me. He returns my lick, and I moan. But he doesn't stop there, he begins to nip and suck on that spot, "Oliiii!" I moan out his name as he gives me a hickey. He gives it one final lick before moving to my shirt, pausing for permission, I nod my head giving it. He slowly lifts it up, trailing kisses on the way up, and tosses it to the floor. He pecks my nose before taking my boobs in his hands and massaging them. "Mhm, that feels good." He grazes both nipples with his thumbs and I gasp, he rubs circles over my nipples with his thumbs while grasping my boobs in the rest of his hands, and I moan from the pleasure. I feel him lean down and then he flicks his tongue across one of my nipples causing another gasp, before he takes the whole nipple in his mouth and starts sucking on it. "Fuck Oli!" His tongue darting out across my nipple every few seconds while he pinches my other nipple in between his fingers. I feel a tightness building up in my stomach that I have never felt before, and when it feels like I have been punched in the gut I moan and the tension is gone. I'm left panting, and, did I just cum? Holy shit, Oli just made me cum. That was amazing. "Do you still want more?" he whispers in my ear before nibbling on it. "Yes." I cry out, needing more of this feeling. He slowly pulls off my bottoms and undies, tossing them to the floor with the rest of our clothes. He lets out a breath on my vagina and it feels so good, my body twitches at the sensation. He begins to slowly lick at my outer walls, and it feels so good. Then he shoves his tongue inside me and I feel him moan into me. "Oli! Fuuuuck Oli!" He grips me by the thighs and starts to lick faster and harder. I feel the tightness build up again, "Oli! Oli I, I think I'm gonna..." and with that the tension releases and I feel Oli moan into me again. He stops for a moment, but then his tongue finds my clit and he slowly starts to lick it. "Oh shit! Fuck! Fuck!" My body is arching and twisting with this amazing sensation, Oli uses one hand to hold me down, and the other finds my vagina and begins to rub it. Oh my Goddess this is amazing! He slowly puts a finger inside of me, and holy shit! He pumps his finger in and out while still licking my clit. "Oli! Oli I! I..." and I cum for the third time. I don't know how he does it but Goddess this man is good. He pulls his fingers out of me and licks them up. "How was that?" he asks me before placing a kiss on my lips. "Amazing" I feel him shift to lay down, but I think I want more. I think I am ready to give myself to Oli completely. "Oli?" I say "Yea baby?" he says laying on his side. "Will you make love to me Oli?" Silence.

"Charlie are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured." He says while cupping my face in his hands. "I'm sure, I want this, I want you. I want us" I tell him, before leaning in for a soft kiss. "I didn't bring any protection, not that you could get pregnant before your first shift." he admits. "We don't need any, now or ever, you are my mate Oli, and I want you completely." With that he slowly climbs on top of me and places himself outside of my entrance, "If at any point you want to stop, tell me." he says. "Not gonna happen" I say as I pull him down to kiss me. He continues to kiss me as he slowly enters me. Damn, that kinda hurts, but also feels really good. He thrusts in and out very slow until I can adjust, never breaking the kiss. When the pain vanishes, all that is left in it's place is pure bliss. I moan into the kiss, and he pulls back. "Oh Goddess Oli! Fuuuck!" "Fuck Charlie you're so tight." he moans. He keeps the same slow steady pace, and I throw my head back as moan after moan escapes my lips from the pleasure of feeling him fill me up and hearing him moan too.  Then I feel the tightening happening. Fuck I'm gonna cum on him, and that thought has the tightening happening faster. "Oli I, I'm gonna..." "Shit Charlie! I'm gonna, cuuuuuuum!" We cum together and I feel his dick twitch as he fills me with his hot cum. If I hadn't of came, the sensation of feeling him cum would have probably sent me over the edge. "Oh my Goddess, that was amazing Charlie." Oli says when he can finally pull out of me to lay down. "I love you Oli." I say as I turn to him. I feel his hand brush my cheek, "I love you too Charlie"

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