Chapter 67

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Charlie's P.O.V.

Oli carries me to bed. He closes and locks the door, before coming back to me. I kiss him with more passion than I ever had. He gratefully accepts, and when I nip at his lip he opens his mouth so our tongues can connect. Our breath mixing together, as our moans fill the room. His hands go to the back of my dress and unzip it while mine go for the buttons on his shirt. We remove each others clothes, never breaking the kiss. I instantly go for his belt and pants, I know he wants to be in control, but I have a plan, and I need to be in control for it to work. He tries to pull away, to keep control, "no, give me" I tell him. He stops pulling away and I toss his pants to the floor. I roll him to his back, grinding against him through our underwear, causing a moan. My panties soaking at the sensation, but I go to his neck, the spot where I will mark him. I begin kissing it, licking it, making Oli moan. "Charlie, p-please, don't st-op" "I don't plan too" I whisper in his ear, before going back to his spot. His hands go from gripping the sheets to my breasts. He begins to play with my nipples, causing me to moan into his marking spot. My canines breaking through, scraping against his skin. "Oli, Oh, Oli" I moan as he continues his assault on them. I feel my panties get wetter and he stops. I catch my breath before kissing down his body and taking off his boxers. My panties right behind. "Let me taste you" he begs. But if I let him pleasure me, he'll take control. "No." I pant before placing him at my entrance, my legs on either side of him. Then I slowly lower myself onto him, moaning as he fills me with his huge dick. "Oh fuuuuck Charlie" He moans when he's as deep as I can get him. Then I pull him up so he is sitting too. Then as I take his mouth back I begin to move on top of him. We moan into the kiss as our tongues collide and his dick hits every spot I need it too. I feel a tightness building, and it's time. "Oli," I moan, "mark me Oli. I want to be yours" He moans and begins to kiss my marking spot. I feel his canine graze against it, and then he is marking me. The pleasure sends me over the edge and I cum all over him, causing him to moan into the mark. He lets go and licks it closed. He goes to move me, but he didn't finish and I'm not done. I begin to move against him some more, and he moans and grabs my hips and helps. "Oli, can I mark you?" I ask him when I can tell he is getting close. "Yes." He moans. I move against him a bit more before going to his marking spot. I suck on it, causing him to moan, "Charlie, Charlie I..." and with that warning I sink my teeth into his neck. He cums as soon as I mark him. Moaning so loud I'm worried they can hear us outside. I wait for him to finish pulsing, before removing my teeth and licking his mark closed. "I love you Charlie" he pants pulling me into his chest. "I love you too Oli"

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