Chapter 52

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Ava's P.O.V.

-1 week later-

{So what do you want to do?} Charlie signs at me. I knew she was going to leave all the party plans to me, but it's her birthday too. "I want your input too" I tell her. {Ava, I literally don't care, I won't be able to see it. All I care about is having some chocolate cake and some bomb tacos.} she signs back. "If you say so." I tell her. I look at all the options in front of me that Liam and Oli's mom have brought to the rec room for us to decide between. {Asia says you should go with the pink} Charlie signs while cringing. "Asia, neither Charlie or I like pink, so the pink is out. As well as black. Sorry Charlie, but it's a birthday, not a funeral." She flips me off on that one. "Why don't we just do pack colors?" {Asia says that's boring, and you'll have to do pack colors for your Luna ceremony} Darn, I forgot about that. I mean I didn't forget that it's pack colors, but that I will have to have one. 'What if the pack doesn't want me as Luna?' 'Babe?' I hear Liam's voice come through the link. 'Aw shit? Did I say that to him and not Charlie?' {No, you said that to me, and that as well, see what he wants.} 'Yea babe?' I ask back. 'Is everything okay? I can feel you're upset. Is it Asia? Do I need to reign her in?' Aw shit, right, mate bond. 'No, she's fine. I just feel overwhelmed is all' 'It's your day, and Charlie's. Nobody else can tell you what to do with it.' 'Thanks babe' 'Always' And with that our link is cut off. 'Charlie?' I ask to make sure I'm actually talking to her. {What's up?} 'How about we just do a theme instead of colors?' {Like what?} "A costume party? I mean our birthday is the night before Halloween." {I'm down for that} Phew, that's over. Theme, check. Food, check. Guests, check. I think that's it.

Charlie's P.O.V.

"Oh that's perfect! I have a black dress I've been wanting to wear, and now I can be a witch" Asia says excitedly. I hear her voice getting fainter, so I assume she left. "Hey! You cheated!" I hear Alex yell from over by the gaming set up. I take that as my cue to get up. I start to try and help Ava pick up all the things the Luna and Gamma left us, but she swats my hands away. "I got it Charlie." I roll my eyes at her and head towards Oli's office. I knock when I reach his office. "Come in gorgeous." He shouts from the other side. I walk in and head for the couch that I know should be directly in front of me. I plop down and grab my phone. "So what did you girls decide on?" Oli asks from his desk. I hear papers flipping, he must be working on pack stuff. "Halloween themed" "That sounds like fun, what food?" "Mexican and Chinese" I gag as I say the last one. I seriously don't know my sisters obsession with Chinese, it's not good. "Those are interesting picks." he says with a tone of confusion in his voice. "Well neither of us would budge and couldn't find a common ground to agree on so" I say shrugging my shoulders. I don't hear him say anything else, so I put my headphones in and hit shuffle on my Spotify.

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