Chapter 15

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Oli's P.O.V.

This all makes so much sense now. "What are you talking about?" Liam asks. Did I say that out loud? I must have because all eyes are on me. "Didn't you notice last night that at certain points while they were fighting Ava got really quiet and wouldn't talk, and Charlie would occasionally trip?"  "Oh yea. Why was that?" Liam asks the twins.  "Well, I am able to hear, and Charlie is able to see if we keep our link open. We experience the world through each other. And when we were fighting last night..." "You guys shut your link off." I finish for them.  This changes everything. If Dr. Emmit can perform the separation surgery, the girls won't just be losing the only thing they have ever known in life, they will be losing a key sense in experiencing the world. Are they ready for that? "So what does this mean?" Liam asks "What does what mean?" Ava asks in return. "I mean if for some reason Dr. Emmit can't perform a separation surgery, what does that mean for you two?"  "There is no separation surgery, we were told when we were three that there was nothing that could be done, and that we should cherish the eighteen years we get if we don't survive the shift." Charlie says as if it is no big deal. As if them possibly dying on their birthday isn't a huge problem for me. They also don't know what terrible Luna they had, and that they were denied any medical treatment. "And who told you this information?" Liam demands to know. Ava and Charlie lean away from him, taken aback at his sudden anger, "Our doctor told Miss Franny, and she told us."

I swear when Liam takes that packs land I am going to end that doctor for filling these poor girls heads with nothing but lies. "He lied." Ava and Charlie have gone from cowering away from Liam, to whipping around to look at me. "And how would you know that?" Charlie demands. "Because I went to see him last night." Liam informs them. It was at this point that all siblings have been shooed from the room, but I'm not dumb, I know they have their wolf ears on. "You went to see him? About us? Why?" Ava asks, with hope in her voice. "I wanted to know why you two hadn't been separated, if there was any logical medical reason. I thought maybe there was a nerve or artery connecting you that if severed could be fatal. I had to know. But what information I learned made me so angry I went to find the Luna and give her a piece of my mind." Liam then proceeds to tell the twins everything that happened last night after he left the orphanage. And watching the shock, hurt, pain, and anger cross their faces as they listened to what they had been forced to endure because of someone who was supposed to lead the pack, makes my heart ache. But once Liam was all done telling his story he looked at me, then back at the girls before saying, "Would you like to go meet Dr. Emmit?"


We have been sitting, well I have been sitting in this chair for twenty minutes. Liam hasn't stopped pacing the waiting room ever since the doctor asked for privacy to run some tests on our mates. "What is taking him so long." Liam demanded of nobody in particular.  "Relax man, he hasn't known them their whole lives like he does with everyone in this pack, and its not like he had anything to go on to give him a baseline. It's going to take some time, but you know as well as I do that they are in the best hands possible and they will be okay." It was at that exact moment that the door opened and Dr. Emmit walked out. I shot up out of my chair like I was a hot and ready to eat poptart. "Well Doc, what is the news? Can they be separated? Can you save them?" Liam started spouting of questions to the doctor, who looks annoyed and exhausted. "In all my years of being a doctor I have never seen such a case of medical neglect. Now I know what you told me about the Luna and doctor of their old pack, but this is deplorable. Yes, I can separate them, but it should have been down by the time they were two. This operation isn't going to be easy now that their skulls have fully formed and are used to being connected. Secondly, the amount of bones that never healed properly due to lack of medical care." "What are you talking about they looked fine, what happened?" Again Liam demands answers of a man who looks just as annoyed as we are. "Liam, do you remember when you were ten and you broke your arm?" when Liam nods the doctor continues, "you tripped in the forest while playing with Oli. Normal kid stuff right? Well just because those girls are conjoined didn't mean they didn't try to do normal kid stuff. In fact they probably had a harder time at it, resulting in fractured or broken bones that were probably reset by inexperienced orphanage staff, so they never healed correctly. Plus, I had to know when they would shift." He paused there, which can't be good. "Doc, when do they shift?" I beg, needing to know what clock we are racing. "They say they will shift in less than three months. Which means if I am going to properly reset all of their bones, and perform the surgery, it must happen within a weeks time or else they may not heal in time for their shift."

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