Chapter 58

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Liam's P.O.V. (1 month later)

I wake up to Ava lightly snoring. I chuckle to myself. She doesn't think she snores, and I'm half tempted to record her and prove her wrong, but I'll let her live in denial. I wish I could sit here all day and watch her sleep, but I have a meeting. I get up and begin a shower when I get a mind link 'you ready for this?' its Oli. 'I'm gonna make them regret ever treating them that way.' I reply. 'Do you have the orb?' 'Safe and secured in my brief case' 'Meet you downstairs' And with that Oli is gone. I finish showering and go to get dressed. "You're up early." I hear her small voice from the bed. I turn to her, {Good morning beautiful} and then go back to getting dressed. 'Where are you going?' She links me. Fuck. I can't tell her. {p-a-c-k-s-t-u-f-f} I haven't mastered actual sign language yet, but the alphabet, easy peasy. "Liam, look at me," She says, getting off the bed. I hear her footsteps coming closer to me. I turn just as she reaches me, "What aren't you telling me?" How does this amazing woman always know what I am up to? {i-t-s-n-o-t-h-i-n-g} "Liam, if it was nothing, you would tell me. What is going on?" {t-r-u-s-t-m-e} "With my life, but unless it's in danger, I need you to tell me what is going on. You have never kept something from me." At this point I am dressed, and putting on my shoes. 'I'm downstairs and ready' Oli mind links. 'Be there in a minute' I tell him I turn back to my mate. My sweet princess, my Ava. {I-h-a-v-e-t-o...} She doesn't let me finish, she turns and heads for the bathroom. Damn it. I follow, but she has locked the door. 'Ava, please open the door' I beg 'Why Liam? So you can lie to me some more?' 'No, just open the door.' I wait a few seconds before I hear the door unlock. I open it and look at her, tears in her eyes. I walk over to her and go to wipe the stray one that fell, but she puts her hand out. 'You said no more lies if I opened the door' 'Ava, it's literally a meeting. It's pack stuff.' 'With what pack?' I flinch, then sigh, 'Crescent Moon' She recoils, 'Why would you go there?' 'I have business' 'I'm coming with you' 'No, Oli is coming, you will stay here' 'So the Alpha and Beta, who happen to be my and my sister's mates are just going to our old pack for "business"? I don't believe you, and I'm coming' Then she's pushing past me into the closet. Goddess let her forgive me. I grab the chair from next to the window and close the walk-in closet door, putting the chair in front of it before running out. 'LIAM! LIAM LET ME OUT!' I hear her voice in my head as I walk out the front door to my car. "What took you so long?" Oli asks as I peal out of the driveway and to Crescent Moon.


Oli's P.O.V.

"She's going to fucking kill you! What were you thinking?" I yell at my idiot best friend after he tells me what he did. "I didn't want her coming back here. Especially if I have to challenge Jason." he tells me. Goddess my best friend is an idiot. Just then my phone rings, and I don't even think to look before I answer, "Oli! What the fuck is Liam's problem! He locked my sister in the fucking closet!" Charlie begins screaming in my ear. I give Liam a thanks a lot look. "Charlie, I don't agree with Liam's actions, but Ava didn't give him much of a choice, you girls can't come." I try to explain. "And why is that? Because you're going to Crescent Moon? Or, or because Liam is going to kill or challenge Jason? I'm not stupid Oli, there is no reason for either of you to go back there." Damn my girl was smart. "Charlie, do you trust me?" I beg for the answer to be yes "With my life, but I still don't understand," I cut her off. "My sweet Charlie, I promise that we have a plan. Killing Jason is not our mission, but if he attacks first. Anyway, we are here, we have to go. I love you." I hang up before I can get yelled at more. "You fucking owe me, now I got Charlie mad at me for your stupid ideas" Liam looks at me with apologetic eyes. "Identification." says a guard at the gates. "Tell your alpha it's Alpha Liam" Liam tells the guard. He mind links someone and then we are let through. Lets hope this meeting is super quick and easy.

We enter the alpha office at the pack house where Jason and Adam are waiting. A female standing next to Jason. "Alpha Liam, Beta Oli, welcome," Jason motions for us to take the seats in front of his desk, "I wanted to introduce my mate before we begin. This is Lizzy" The blonde girl bows in respect before saying, "Welcome Alpha Liam, Beta Oli. I am pleased to meet you," then she turns to Jason, "have a good meeting my love, mind link me if you need me to have the kitchen staff bring anything up" then she gives him a quick peck. The door closes behind her and the two men have seat followed by us. "You two said you had things you needed to discuss?" Adam begins. Liam nods before unlocking his case. Then he pulls out the orb that will help us get some answers. "What is that?" Jason asks looking at it. "Oh this?" Liam begins, taunting, "This is just a little orb I had made by a hard to find witch." The orb begins to glow blue. "You see, when things are true, it will be blue, but when someone tells a lie, it will be green." The orb turns a bright red. "Oh, I mean red." Liam says sadistically, before the orb turns back to blue. I look at the two men's faces who look so confused. I get a sick smile on my face. We will get our answers one way or another. "Shall we begin?" I ask before turning to Liam. "We shall" he says, looking at the two Alphas across the table.

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