Chapter 32

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Oli's P.O.V.

I wake up to Charlie softly snoring. It's become part of my mornings and I absolutely love it. I slowly get out of bed and head for the shower. When I get out I go to grab my towel when, "Oli?" I walk into the bedroom, "I'm here Charlie, I just took a shower while you slept a bit longer." I walk over to the bed, and gently placed my hand on her cheek before leaning down and giving her a good morning kiss. "Mhm, I still don't think I will ever get used to this" she says with a smile on her face. "That's okay, I don't plan on stopping, you will get kisses every morning, and every night" I place a kiss on her forehead to get my point across. "Can I shower or did you use all the pack's hot water?" she jokes. I roll my eyes even though she can't see, "yes smarty pants you can take a shower, here" I hold my arms out for her. She insisted on learning the layout of my room by herself, I told her it wouldn't be necessary. We came to an agreement and she has a walking stick coming in the mail. I help her to the bathroom, "I will put your towel and wash clothes on the sink okay?" "Thank you Oli" "Of course my queen"

Once Charlie and I were dressed, we head downstairs for breakfast. Mine and Liam's parents are already there. "Good morning everyone" I say, leading Charlie to our seats. "Morning Oli, Morning Charlie" says my mother. Charlie smiles and nods before taking her seat. "Oooo! Ham and cheese omelets, my favorite." I say so Charlie knows what's for breakfast. She chuckles, "Thank you. Is there anything else?" "Looks like yogurt of your choice, I'll grab you a strawberry, and bacon" I say reaching to the yogurt platter and grabbing her a strawberry. She thanks me again and we begin eating breakfast. Slowly mine and Liam's family start coming to the table. Olive arrived next, followed by Alex and Axel. Shawn and Lonnie were next, then Asia came in with Seth carrying Lexi on his shoulders. Where the hell were Liam and Ava? Ten more minutes go by when I hear footsteps outside the door. Finally. When they walk in they are giggling and Ava is beat red. They take their place at the table, and Ava doesn't get to even take a bit before Asia shouts, "you marked each other!?" I whip my head to look at my best friend and his mate, and sure enough they both have mate marks on their necks. Damn bro.

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