Chapter 22

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Liam's P.O.V.

"So are you still going tonight or are you going to stay here with Ava?" Oli asks me. The girls have only been in surgery for an hour, and our entire families are filling this pack hospital. Thankfully nobody from around the pack has needed any medical care today. "I would give anything to stay here with her tonight, but she's right. I have to learn her language. She is my mate, and I need to be able to communicate with her in every way she can. I take it you are staying here with Charlie then?" That gets our families attention, they were all under the impression that we would both be leaving them tonight to take this class. "Yea man, it's what she wants, and I will do anything she asks." It's my sister Asia who speaks up first, "So what does that mean?" "What do YOU mean?" I ask her. "Well if Oli is staying behind can someone else go with you?" she wonders "Are you asking if you can take Oli's place tonight? You want to learn sign language? Tonight? I thought you were going to stay with her tonight?" I start firing questions at my sister. "I was, but if there is a possibility that somebody can take Oli's spot in that class, I want to go. We are all going to have to learn ASL eventually, and I want to be able to talk to my new sister. Please. Mom, would you be willing to sit with Ava tonight while I go with Liam to ASL lessons?" I look over to my mother, who was already smiling, "Of course I will sit with her, if she will have me, maybe she'll prefer Lexi's company instead." she adds the last part jokingly, but Lexi lights up "I can stay with her Liam! I can! I can! I can! I promise I will watch over her and protect her and make sure she is okay." I smile at my baby sister, she has bonded with Ava so fast, but that is to be expected considering I think Ava is very maternal, despite not having her own mother around growing up. "How about this, my class tonight is at six, so Asia," I say, drawing out my sisters name so it can set it that I am allowing her to come," and I have to leave by five thirty. You can sit with mom, if she says its okay, until mom and dad say its time to go home. Sound good?" "YES!" is the response I get from both of my sisters.

"Well what about me?" Seth says, "If you're staying, I don't get to bond with my new sister, Oli rolls his eyes before saying, "You have the rest of our lives to bond with your new sister. and actually, if you are up for it, I need you to do something for me tonight." Oli then proceeds to tell his brother that he express ordered a bunch of books in Braille, and he needs Seth to pick them up from the P.O. box we have in town. (We have it so that when we have to order things from the human world, they don't enter our lands.) "Does she even know Braille?" I ask genuinely curious. "I dunno, but that's why one of the books I orders was titled 'Basic Braille: Braille for Beginners'"  "Look at my son, thinking ahead. I am proud of both of you for learning your mates languages, even if Charlie may not know hers yet, instead of relying on the mind link you will eventually share with them." says Sophia  "Our boys really have grown up into kind, supportive, responsible men haven't they Soph." my mother says "Mom, don't say that out loud, I'm a ruthless Alpha remember?" I say "To other packs maybe, but to this pack here, you are kind and sweet" I roll my eyes at my mother as our conversation continues for the remaining five hours the twins are in surgery.

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