Chapter 54

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Ava's P.O.V.

{Hey, can we talk?} Charlie signs. "Of course. Private or out loud?" I ask. {Private} 'Why didn't you just mind link me then?' I look at Liam who is clearly not happy about being left out of the conversation, but it's Charlie's birthday too, so he can't complain. {I wanted to have the discussion in person, just privately.} 'Uh, makes sense I guess. Your costume looks great on you by the way.' {I knew it would, you tend to have good fashion sense, anyway, I wanted to talk about tonight} 'About the shift? Are you nervous?' {I was terrified of this our whole lives, especially with having the nightmares.} 'Are you still having those?' {Surprisingly no, not since our surgery. But I noticed at breakfast that you sounded nervous. So I wanted to check on you.} 'How is it we were born at the exact same time but you have always taken on the role of older sibling?' She shrugs at me. 'To answer you, yes I am nervous, but not scared. We have our mates, we have their families, and the entire pack will be here for our birthday party. I think I'm more nervous about being naked in front of everyone.' I laugh as I think about it. Charlie rolls her eyes, {If you're that uncomfortable about it, just go behind a tree} and then she laughs too. Liam is practically begging to know what we are talking about, but he can stay in the dark. Sometimes a girl just needs to talk to her sister, ya know? {So besides being one of the most conservative wolves ever, are you okay?} I stick my tongue out, 'yea, I'm good. See you out there.' She waves as she leaves the room. I finally let Liam break through our link that he has been slamming against the entire conversation with my sister. 'What was that all about?' 'none-ya-beeswax' He raised an eyebrow at me, but I just laughed. I held my hand out for him to take and we headed downstairs towards our party


Charlie's P.O.V.

I walk back to my room and Oli is waiting. "So is she okay?" I nod. "Yea, apparently, miss skimpy bikinis is worried about being naked in front of people for the shift" I say rolling my eyes. Oli laughs, before taking my hand. "Shall we get this party over with miss Daisy?" I giggle, "Of course Luigi" He leads me out of the pack house and into the field where our party is taking place. (Its like a hundred yards from the pack house) I can hear what I'm assuming is a DJ playing music, and plenty of voices all around. Way more than I'm used too since we have never left the pack house. "You doing okay?" Oli asks, pulling me closer. "I'm okay, its just a lot more noise than I'm used too, and not being able to see is a bit of a problem." "That's why you have me. I won't leave your side all night." I don't know why that makes me think of this but, oh my God! 'Zena?!' 'What's up? Why you sound scared? Have fun, it's your birthday!' 'yea, yea great. Zena, are you blind too?' 'What? No,' she's laughing like its a joke, 'I can't be blind. The only way I'll be blind, is if we lose an eye while fighting.' Well that's not fair, she'll be able to see the world, and my mate, but I can't. What the hell Moon Goddess. 'but hey, guess what.' 'What?' I ask annoyed. 'when I'm in control, you won't be either,' Wait what!?!?!? 'I can't currently see anything because I'm looking through your eyes, but when we shift, and I'm in control...' 'I'll be able to see through your eyes.' 'Exactly. So relax.' Oh my Goddess. I'll be able to see, through my wolf. Does that mean Ava will be able to hear through Raven? Oh this is amazing! "Charlie? Are you okay? What happened?" Oli asks as he wipes a tear I didn't realize had fallen. "I was just talking to Zena, and, Oli, when I shift, I'll be able to see." "Really!?" "Yea, because I'll be looking through her eyes. She can't see anything when I have control, but when she does, Ill be able too." "That's amazing Charlie! I really was prepared to guide both of you all night, but now you two can run free!" I am so excited I have to find Ava! 'Where are you?' I get nothing in response. What the hell. "If you are trying to link your sister, shes currently on the dance floor." Oli tells me. before leading me to her.

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