Chapter 40

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Liam's P.O.V.

I wake up to the alarm I set last night. I look at my mate who gave me a huge scare last night. Hoping nothing is seriously wrong with her I try to wake her up through our link. 'Ava, it's time to wake up my love' A groan tells me all I need to know. She's okay, if not maybe a little sore. 'What time is it?' She asks turning over. 'It's five fifteen.' She jolts up in bed, 'five fifteen! Liam I'm late, I'm never going to finish everything now, I have to go' She goes to get off the bed and I grab her by the arm, 'Ava baby relax, things changed.' 'What?' 'When you passed out last night I went to beg Oli to change your punishment. He wasn't going to budge, but your sister did.' 'Charlie? What did she do?' 'She was worried about you, and when she found out what the maids did she made a good point, that there was no reason for them to do that much every single day, and she changed your punishment. Oli agreed since your sister was the one you wronged anyway.' 'Charlie changed my punishment? To what?' I hear the hesitant tone to her voice, and given what has happened between them the past couple of days I don't blame her. I tell her of the changed to her punishment and I watch the weight fall off her shoulders, knowing that she would be able to handle the day. I pull her back to me since she still had a few minutes. 'The apology will take place in Oli's office' I tell her while holding her close to me and nibbling on my mark on her neck. 'No. I don't want it to happen in either of the offices. I don't want it to happen behind closed doors. She wants a genuine apology, it should happen in the rec room.' 'I'll talk to them and see what they say, but I can't make any promises. You should get going though. I will check on you later,' I say planting a kiss on her lips, 'and tonight, you get a relaxing bath, and I mean a bath' She giggles at me before heading out the door to start her final day of punishment.


Oli's P.O.V.

I wake up to a bang. "Shit!" I hear Charlie's voice, but I don't see her. Then I hear the shower running. This woman is going to give me a heart attack I swear. I walk over to the door and knock, "Charlie? Are you okay?" It takes a moment before I hear, "Yea, I'm okay. I just dropped the shampoo bottle. I'll be out in a bit." I run my hand over my face. I know she is super independent, but I also don't want her getting hurt over something as silly as slipping in the shower or something. And no, she's not going against doctors orders. She isn't big on baths, so she turns the shower on and uses wash clothes to take a "bath". Moments later the door opens and she walks out slowly, arms out. I walk over to her and gently take her arm to guide her to the bed. "I will be back in five minutes, then we will go down to breakfast" She nods and puts her headphones in. Minutes later I come out of the shower to hear her singing to herself, " her morals bend, an empty story as we grow hungry..." I love these moments when she hasn't sensed me in the room yet and I get to hear her singing voice. She says she can't sing well but I beg to differ. I walk over to the bed and tap on her shoulder, she jumps and takes out one of her headphones. "Sorry, I just wanted you to know I was here, what were you listening to?" She rolls her eyes like I should know, and I do, but I love hearing her talk about it. Music seems to be something she is passionate about. "Like you don't already know" she replies before getting off the bed and taking my hand. "Well tell me anyway, I'm sure I know the band, but I don't know what song." "Well if you must know, it was All Your Hate by Black Veil Brides" she mockingly answers me. We laugh together as we enter the dining hall, Liam and Ava's seat vacant as per Liam's orders. "What are you two laughing about?" Seth wonders.  "Nothing important" I reply. Asia gets up to leave right as Charlie and I sit down, "Where are you going?" asks Luna Amy. "Not hungry" is Asia's reply as she pushes out of the dining room. "That's two days in a row, I hope she's feeling okay" Luna Amy worries about her eldest daughter. "She's fine mom," Lonnie chimes in from his seat, "she is just being a brat" "What are you talking about?" Asks Liam's dad. "She refuses to eat meals with the family until all of her family is present for meals," Lonnie says rolling his eyes at his sister's behavior, "personally I think it's ridiculous. She is clearly playing favorites and I think it's stupid. Ava is the one who started everything, yet she's still taking her side for whatever reason. I love Ava too, she's going to be my sister, but I have the brain capacity to realize that she was in the wrong and Charlie didn't deserve what happened to her." All of my brothers agree with Lonnie. The younger siblings not paying attention to anything. Wow. I didn't know Asia felt that way, I think Liam and I are going to have to have a talk with her. "Okay, that's enough." Charlie growls from next to me. All eyes turn to her like she has lost her mind, but she continues. "I appreciate all of you thinking that you are sticking up for me and taking my side, but DON'T, because in doing so you are putting my sister down and I don't take kindly to that. Yes, my sister is wrong, but that is between Ava and I, and nobody should be taking sides or throwing fits about it when it doesn't involve them. We are all family. This is a pack, and that is your future Luna, so show her some respect." All eyes fall on my mate, even mine. I can't believe she just said all that. Everything she said was true but holy crap! My mother is the first to stand up and come over to Charlie. She gave her a hug before saying, "spoken like a true Gamma."

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