Chapter 35

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Charlie's P.O.V.

'What do you want to talk about?' I ask my sister. 'Can we go somewhere private?' She pleads.' Why? Nobody knows what we are saying. I don't really feel like moving' 'Why?! Why do you want all of them to see us having this conversation?' 'Because it probably won't be a long one if you would get to the point of wanting to talk' 'I want to talk to you because you are my sister and what you said to me this morning hurt my feelings.' 'I didn't do anything to you this morning. You are the one who implied that I called you a slut and then yelled at me. So if this is going to turn into you yelling at me again I can go back to doing what I was doing before Oli insisted we come see Asia get upset' 'Why do you not see that your word choice did in fact imply that I was a slut. It shouldn't matter if I have known Liam a year, a month, or even a day. He is my mate and if I wanted to mark my mate, and let my mate mark me that is nobody's business. I am not a slut for wanting to be intimate with the person who was destined for me.' 'Ava! My word choice was literally what everyone else was saying, you just didn't know that because you couldn't hear them! One of their brothers said 'brooooo nice man' another one said 'well that was quick' and one of their sisters asked when the wedding was. Ava, they all were thinking it. I get that it's nobody's business, but they were talking about you! So I wanted you to be aware of how it was coming across!'  "Are they fighting again?" I hear from Asia. I hear Oli and Liam groan, but they don't interrupt.

'Well whatever, I can't hear the negative comments and Liam didn't say anything to me about it, so it couldn't have been as bad as you were making it out to be' Ava all but shrugs off the fact that she was being mocked. 'Are you kidding me? Why would Liam tell you that? Of course he wouldn't tell you that, it's his job as your mate to protect you, of course he's not going to tell you when someone is saying something hurtful about you!' 'Oh but since you're not my mate you get to be the one to deliver that blow?' 'YES! It is literally my job as your twin to give you a dose of reality! Goddess Ava! I love you, I really love you, but you need to come out of rainbow land sometimes and realize that your actions have consequences and people talking about you is the consequence of you and Liam mating so quickly. Please for once wake up!' 'Why? So I can be all down in the dumps like you all the time? Maybe you need a dose of rainbows and sunshine. I told you I would be here for you while you break down that wall Charlie, but honestly I am about to throw a sludge hammer through it just to get you to be fucking happy for once in your life!' 'Wow Ava. Just wow. I'm done with this conversation, go spend time with Liam in your room, seem to be happy there.' I turn off the link and turn to Oli. "I'm ready to leave." He gently takes me by the arm, but when we turn to leave I'm shoved to the ground. "Why are you acting like this!?" Ava screams at me. "Ava! Get off of her!" I hear Oli yell. "Oli don't touch her." Liam says "Then get your crazy mate off of mine!" Oli yells back. "Let me go Asia!" Ava yells. So I have Asia to thank for getting my crazy sister off of me. I go to stand up, and when I do Oli is there. {Why did you attack me!} "Because I don't like who you have become!" {Who I've become! Bitch are you fucking serious right now? I haven't changed!} "Yes you have! The old Charlie never would've hurt me like this!"

That gets Oli's attention. "Hurt you! Did she really just say you hurt her?" "What did he say?" Ava demands of me. {He wants to know why you said I hurt you. How did I hurt you Ava? Please tell the class what I have done.} I sign back at her. "You called me a slut this morning!" Now I am furious, she's going to fucking lie about that right in front of Liam, who would be rightfully pissed if that was true? Oh hell no! I sign while I speak, "Just so everyone is crystal fucking clear, I never ONCE called my sister a slut this morning. She implied that I called her that, when all I did was say she didn't know Liam well enough to have them mark each other. I would NEVER call my sister a slut. But she wants to go and make me the bad guy, then fine, I'll be the fucking bad guy!" I storm out of the rec room and head for the stairs, I think. Oli is right by my side and steers me the right direction and I think we would head back to his office, he has a lot of work still to do, but instead he leads me to our room. He leads me to the bed, and goes to shut and lock the door before coming back and laying down, pulling me up on his chest. "Are you okay Charlie? That was a lot. Are you physically hurt?" "No." Is the only response I give, because it covers both questions. I am not okay. I don't know what got in to my sister, but ever since she met Liam she has changed. The mate bond isn't even active on her side yet, and she acts like Liam is the only thing in her world. I am not physically hurt either, all she did was push me over and sit on me while she screamed at me. "So what does bad guy Charlie look like?" Oli asks trying to make a joke and lighten the mood. "Apparently like normal Charlie. I just don't want to be around my sister right now. I don't know if she just bottled up all of her anger at me growing up because she couldn't get away from me, but this isn't my sister. No offense to Liam, but ever since he became her mate, she has changed." "Well I don't know what you are going through, because my brothers and I have never fought like this, but I have high hopes that it will pass, " Oli said rubbing my back, "Would you like to stay here and have the door locked or come with me back to my office?" "You, anytime I can, I'd enjoy to be with you." I say nuzzling my face in his chest.

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