Chapter 73

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Ava's P.O.V.

2 months later...

{g-e-n-d-e-r?} asks the doctor. {no.} Liam tells him, at the same time I say {yes}. 'Ava, it's tradition in the pack for the first born to be a surprise' he links me. I groan. {no g-e-n-d-e-r} he signs again. The doctor says something to Liam, and then is wiping my belly. Liam helps me off the table and to the car. I can't believe that I'm half way through this pregnancy and that our little pup will be here in three months. Yes, werewolf pregnancies only last six months because of how big we are. We get back to the pack house and I see Asher on the couch with Asia in his lap, he's been coming to visit once a week ever since he found her. He's trying to be patient with Asia, but I can tell he wants her to leave her whole life behind, kind of ironic considering that's what his grandfather punished my mother for. 'Upstairs, now' Charlie links me, and it sounds urgent. I go to walk upstairs, {where you joining?} Liam signs and I laugh. He has been working so hard at it, but he still makes mistakes, {going} "This is the sign for going, you did joining," I tell him, watching him face palm, "Charlie needs me" With that he kisses my forehead and lets me go. I get to Charlie's room and Oli is nowhere to be seen. "Charlie?" I call out, and she emerges from the bathroom. {Close the door and lock it} she tells me. I do as she asks and start walking towards the bathroom, "Charlie what is..." Then I stop. I look down at the pregnancy test sitting on the counter. "Charlie, are you?" I ask looking at her. {I don't know. I need help.} I use the eye dropper to transfer the pee from the cup to the test. "You owe me for this," I tell her throwing everything away and washing my hands, "Why didn't you ask Oli for help?" {Did you ask Liam for help?} "No, but that was different. I didn't need help taking mine." {Exactly, you did it alone. I wanted to, but I also didn't want to mess it up. Plus if it's negative, he won't be heartbroken} "Were you two trying?" I question {No. But we haven't exactly done anything to prevent it either.} Just then I looked down at the test on the counter. Holy shit. I open the link so she can see it for herself. "Charlie, you're pregnant" I tell her before wrapping her in a hug


Charlie's P.O.V.

I'm pregnant. How do I feel about that? My whole life I didn't care about having kids, thought nothing of it. Still didn't, until I realized my heat never came. I knew you could get pregnant without it, but the chances were so low. How am I going to tell Oli? He's going to be ecstatic. Ava was right, I should've asked him for help, but now I have to think of a way to surprise him. {Ava, go find me a gift box} "Oh, that's such a cute idea Charlie" she says before disappearing, I lock the door behind her. 'What are you doing?' I link Oli. 'Working in my office, why is something wrong?' he wonders. I can picture him getting up and walking this way. 'No, I was just curious where you were. I'll be there in a little bit' I tell him, hoping it works. 'Okay beautiful' he replies before cutting the link. Oh thank the Goddess that worked. 'Ava, can you ask the kitchen staff send mine and Oli's dinner to his office?' 'Of course' she replies, before knocking on my door. {Stupid, could've waited to respond} "I could've but I didn't, here, best one I could find. Good luck Charlie. Love you." she says before rushing off. 'Ava wait! Help me pick a dress.' I link her before she gets to far. She comes back immediately, "Pulling out all the stops. Cute. Let's see what you got."

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